Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Weight Watcher Wednesday...Healthy Homemade Pizza Rolls!

On a cold day like today I would like to be making nice ooey and gooey cinnamon rolls or something like that....BUT it is Weigh Watcher Wednesday...these homemade pizza rolls are pretty tasty though! :) I hope you enjoy them.

1 pound Jimmy Dean Italian pork sausage - browned
17 turkey pepperoni
1/2 green pepper - diced
1/2 medium onion - diced
7 oz. can mushrooms
12 black olives
1 14 oz. jar pizza sauce (extra if you want some for dipping)
18 egg rolls

Combine all ingredients except for wrappers.--I like to brown my meat and then throw in the veggies. Cook for a few mins then add sauce.

Place 1/4 cup filling on wrapper. Fold. To see how to fold an eggroll wrapper go here.
Put rolls on baking sheet and spray all sides of roll with canola spray.
Bake at 350 until golden brown.

You can add more cheese, meat or veggies. I just kept things to a minimum to keep the points a bit lower. You can also fry them in oil if you like but the baked version is much healthier and I think they taste great baked! These pizza rolls are SOOOO much healthier for you with out all the added preservatives. Try will like them! Your kids will love them!
4 points per roll
As always....leave me a comment....
Warm winter hugs to you all..............


  1. Hello...sounds like a tasty recipe. thanks for sharing. I will definitely have to give them a try. Also, thanks for all the yummy recipes that you share. I am a lifetime member of weight watchers and think they are the only way to go, at least for me, as I don't feel that you are dieting, but just learning to eat healthier and it makes you aware of the portions that you consume.

    By the way, I am BellaDella's Mom and I visit everyone most days as I don't have a blog of my own, but hope to remedy that soon.

    Happy Cooking,
    Janice (

  2. Oh my that just made me REALLY hungry!!! I wish my family weren't such picky eaters...I would like to try that recipe. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Yummm! I'll have to give that one a try...thanks so much for the recipe!

  4. That looks tasty! I'm going to have to give these a try! Thanks for sharing!

  5. That is a very cool recipe, I'll have to try to remember to makes these! Thanks for sharing...

  6. I am also on weight watcher's and I will definately be giving your recipe a try!! It looks and sounds real yummy!! I always am looking for healthy recipes to try out..

    I have made it to being a LifeTime Member at weight watcher's...but, I have gained 13 pounds back, and I really need to get back to my goal weight. I know weight watcher's works, I just have got to disapline myself more and pay more attention to my portion sizes as well as to what I'm putting into my mouth..

    Have a great evening!


  7. God has greatly gifted you
    I enjoyed visiting your blog
    God Bless;

  8. Oh they look absolutely yummy! I might have to cut out a couple of veggies for my fam LOL!!

    Have a super blessed week!!

  9. Oh boy those made me hungry! They look delicious....Mexican and Italian type dishes are my very favorites...and low points...well that's even better! Thanks for sharing! You are quite the cook!

    Have a great day!


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