Monday, February 8, 2010


Well, it's Monday again! Boy how the days fly by. I had intended on posting this on Friday but I just simply ran out of time! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. It has been SNOWING here for the last few days. {spring please come soon} :) Oh, this photo was taken off of our back deck just as the sun was going down. Pretty isn't it?

Remember to stop back on Wednesday...I will have a great recipe for Weight Watcher Wednesday! Please leave me a comment so I know you stopped by!


  1. That was a very beautiful sunset.
    We have not had a sun up or down in weeks.
    I am soooo ready for spring.

  2. Beautiful picture. I agree... come on spring!

  3. What a beautiful sunset! Look forward to the recipe :).

    Have a great week!

  4. Gorgeous picture! See ya soon! Come say hi :D

  5. Breath-taking! Snow on the ground and all that color in the sky! Awesome photo Tania!
    Have a great week!

  6. Hope all is well...Are you getting the snow storms that are passing by the last week??? Dianntha

  7. It is an awesome sunset!
    I, too, am ready--no, past ready, for spring!

  8. Hello...What an awesome picture. The colors are just beautiful. Doesn't God have such a wonderful palette of colors that he graces us with each and every day. Thanks for sharing.

    Janice (BellaDella's Mom)

  9. Absolutely stunning photo! I'm trying to be patient for spring to arrive here, too. I'm ready to break the soil and get planting.

  10. Oh the view is stunning!! OH I am SO sick of the Winter this year!! I cannot wait for Spring!!!

  11. Your photo is simply breathtaking! Praying Spring is on it's way to you soon! And, that this week brings many Sweet blessings too !

  12. Love the pic! What a great view.
    There is a blog award for you on my page!

  13. I made it halfway to work today and turned around because the snow was so bad. Looking forward to spring as well!

  14. Gorgeous picture!

    We've had a lot of snow too, for us anyway. Nothing like you get, but it's been such a sloppy mess. Come on Spring!!
    Have a blessing filled week!

  15. Yes, it is pretty!
    Looks like the sky was beginning to clear up.
    I'm with you....SPRING, hurry up!


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