Monday, February 15, 2010

If we had no winter....the spring would not be so pleasant :)

Hello! I am hoping this post finds you happy, healthy and warm! We had a wonderful Valentine celebration here. I made sea scallops and crab legs for my Valentines! It was delish and we all enjoyed the food and time together. Having the day off from school today was just the topping on the cake! :)

I found this poem and I found it to be soooooooo true. I still want spring to come soon {though it's not even in sight yet}. I am ready to be digging around in the dirt but I know that it will come............eventually! :)

If we had no winter,
the spring would not be so pleasant;
if we did not sometimes taste adversity,
prosperity would not be so welcome.
~Abbe Bradstreet

I snapped this picture on a walk one wintry day not too long ago. I think it's pretty but I sure am ready for some green grass, budding leaves and some colorful blooms too! :)

I would love to hear what you did for Valentine's Day. :) Don't forget to stop back on Wednesday for a yummy Weight Watcher's recipe!!!! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your comments --- they all make my day!


  1. Funny how an old fence post can be pretty but they are! I'm ready for some warm temps's cold here! I'll check back to see the recipe too. Have a good week...come say hi :D

  2. The photo was lovely. Amazing how something so simple can be so comforting to look at. Have a super week!

  3. Uneventful valentine's here but we did enjoy some shrimp and a movie...

  4. We had tenderloin and spicy potatoes with kale. And a glass of red wine. Not too much, as I am still taking Vicodin for knee pain. Oh, and a wonderful chocolate mousse with mascarpone whipped cream. YUMMY!
    And you are not alone in your wishful thinking of green grass and color in the garden...I am right with you on this one!

  5. Sounds like a great dinner for your Valentines!! Love the poem, it really did make me think! And the picture is great!!

    We spent Valentines at our daughters rodeo finals LOL!

  6. Well, I've been looking at your landscape and wonder if it'll ever be spring again, sugar! Here in Idaho it's been a pretty mild winter. Snow, but nothing like you're getting. I hope your crop does well this year. Farmers are the "glory" of the U.S. as far as I'm concerned.

  7. The poem is so true. I will keep telling myself that as I go out to sweep more snow off of the walkway!

    For V-day I decorated the kitchen table and made a sweet treat for breakfast. Spaghetti and meatballs for dinner and stayed cozy and warm at home since we have had (and still have) the sickies in my house.

  8. I like that poem! I was thinking along those same lines yesterday - all this snow will make us appreciate spring even more!

    Great picture!

  9. I am also ready for some warmth and some color. I am just a little tired of white.
    Hubby spent a quite day together. It was to cold and windy and blizzard like to go anywhere.
    Love the photo.
    Can't wait for Wed recipe.

  10. That photo captures so much--I love it. Have a warm, sun-shiney day. Julie

  11. Love that quote. So true. I wanted to let you know that I am having a great giveaway. Please stop by when you have a moment.


  12. Hi! Thank you for visiting my blog today! I really appreciate it! I hope you will stop back by! I enjoyed my visit to your blog, and I am now one of your followers. I hope you have a great evening! ~Dan~

  13. Beautiful pictures, Miss Farmchicky! And lovely poem.. after the winter we've had, Spring will be a welcome friend for sure.

    Valentine's Day around here was... well, boring... or how about peaceful, depending on how you look at it. We kinda like it that way, too! (I did get some chocolate from my sweetie! *squeeal*)

  14. Also ready for Spring!

    Cant wait to try the pizza rolls. They do look good.

  15. Great Quote! So hoping your weather turns a little warmer soon :D And so smiling that you had a perfect Valentine's day with your family! Ours was just simple and quiet :D May this week be filled with many simple quiet moments for you and yours too...Sweet blessings!

    P.S. We are trying your bluberry muffin recipe at preschool today :D

  16. love your pictures! You are quite the photographer! You should come on over to our neck of the woods (or lack thereof!) It's been pretty hot lately--in fact I might need to go turn on the cooler lol!
    For V-day my hubby and I and the kids went to the Hassayampa River Preserve--in AZ rivers are few and far between--most run underground---this is one spot in AZ where you can actually see the river running above ground all year long! Pretty exciting for us folks out here :) So we spent $10 for all of us and walked around and explored the tropical little oasis in the desert :)

  17. Love that fencepost. I'm kinda partial to them.
    I'm with you....ready to be digging in the dirt. I received a seed catalog the other day and it only worsened my yearning for spring.


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