Monday, October 4, 2010


I realized the other day that I have tons of pictures....I mean, we are talking literally thousands of pictures. Not a day goes by that I do not snap a picture or two or 20! I have so many picture of our kids, my hubby, and things happening around our farm. I decided that even if the picture is not from exactly at the time of posting I would post it anyway.

So, that leads me to our sunflower crop. I took these pictures back in Augut when they were in full bloom. I love having acres and acres of sunflowers. They are just soooo pretty and you can't help but feel happy when you look at these fields.

Sadly, our sunflowers no longer look like this. In order to havest them the must "dry down". Which means they dry up and turn brown. They no longer look happy, yellow and sunny!

Come harvest, I will show you a few pictures of what the sunflowers look like when they are ready to be harvested.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I am hoping to get around and visit you all too. Things are still very busy here around our farm. Don't forget to say HI and let me know you were here.


  1. They are my favorite flower, happy flowers indeed, amazing pictures!!

  2. Love the last picture. How could you not be happy looking at a field of sunshine!

  3. Beautiful sunflower fields!
    I even think they are pretty before harvest!!
    thanks for sharing!

  4. Beautiful blog! So glad you stopped in and introduced yourself. Love your music too - must tell you that Big Green Tractor always makes me think of my little boy (then 3) belting it out as we drove to preschool. Hubby was just asking about growing a crop of sunflowers.... He'd be in heaven on a big spread out west but I'm an east coast horsey girl. ;-) I'll go south tho! Time to go hit "follow" n poke around here more!

  5. What a gorgeous field full of sunflowers. I remember in Europe somewhere we'd be riding in the bus and pass sunflower fields like that. Talk about beautiful!

  6. Looking at those sunflowers this morning was a wonderful way to start my day. I love sunflowers. One day, I will try my hand at growing some. Have a blessed day. Julie

  7. Yup, my favorite flower too and so well named they are so. . . sunny : ) Great cheerful pictures of them

  8. Love the pictures and the info about the sunflowers! I like you new background,however the dark writing is kinda hard to read... might just be me. I so enjoy your posts and love your pictures! I am having a giveaway over by me if you are interested. Have a great week!
    until next time... nel

  9. I love the pictures! My daughter wanted to take one of her senior pics in a sunflower field this year, but we couldn't find one. Here in OK you can only find them if you live close to KS. On our way to CO we looked but didn't drive by one. I will have to show her your pics, she will love them too!
    Kim in OK

  10. What great photos! I especially like the last one. That's a lot of sunflowers!

  11. Oh that is enough to put a smile on your face - aren't they just the happiest flowers!
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful picture.
    Have a nice day

  12. That is one sunny sea of yellow! Glad you stopped by, I look forward to seeing what's going on at the farm:@)

  13. I love sunflowers, if we farmed, Id want to grow sunflowers! Instead we just have cows.

  14. Lovely...thanks for this "happy"....needed it as we have a combine breakdown, just as we are starting corn. :op

  15. Im sure I would love living amoung fields of sunflowers! how pretty!

  16. Ditto - I think I take a number of pictures every day.... I just can't go anywhere without something catching my eye.... I love sunflowers!

  17. Wow! I think I would have a temporary permanent smile across my face if I got to see that view everyday!
    So sad when it's over, but something to look forward to next year.

  18. What a great crop of sunflowers you have. I love sunflowers.
    thanks for sharing these photos with us.
    Have a great day.

  19. Great blog! Wonderful to have "farm chicks" like myself putting a face on the farmer!
    Barbara AKA Dairy Goddess

  20. I can use a fix of bright sunflowers anytime! Beautiful.

  21. Sunflowers, why they just make you feel happy. What a beautiful view a sea of yellow! Thanks for sharing. Happy Autumn to you.

  22. I so LOVE your photos of your sunflowers...what a gift to get to be surrounded by their beauty! I LOVE Your new header too....Hoping your Fall is perfect in every way ! Sweet blessings!

  23. I have never seen that many sunflowers all in one place. You lucky woman!

  24. Wow. I have never seen so many sunflowers before, very nice.

  25. I love sunflowers, even though I hate yellow. They make my kitchen happy though! Just thought I'd stop and say HI! =) Kacee aka TheRanchWife


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guests around the farm! Come again!