Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The vines are taking over!!!

I went out to my garden spot that has all my viney plants growing out there. You know things like pumkins, gourds and and squash of all kinds.

WOW.....with getting the kids ready for school and me in the field during harvest let me tell you.....the vines have taken over!!! They started wrapping themselves around everything that doesn't move away! I think if you stand out there long enough the vines would start to wrap around your legs! ;) It has been to wet to harvest our wheat so I am going to dedicate my time to my gardens....the poor things have been neglected the last few weeks.

THANK you to all who have stopped by even though I have not had the time for much visiting. I love hearing from each and everyone of you and look forward to visiting you at your place. :)I will be trying to catch up with you today.

Have a wonderful day....and remember to make this Farmchick's day and leave me a comment!


  1. No kidding about the vines taking over. This year my cucumber vine was huge and ended growing up the tomatoes!

  2. Enjoy your garden today. Seeing your beautiful pictures always brightens my day. Love your blog.

  3. I'm interested in your soy candles. Where did you get the containers and how did you come up with the name. I think they are so neat looking. Of course, everything you do seems to come out perfect!!


  4. Our pumpkins didn't grow at all this year--don't know why. However, the zucchini has given its fair share. I love this harvest time of year. Hope you have a great day. Julie

  5. Hi Tania! I enjoy your posts so much! Your photos are wonderful too. No matter what you snap pics of, it all looks like eye candy!

    Enjoy the time in your garden. Hopefully it will be dry enough to harvest the wheat soon. Then what's next? Your life on the farm is so interesting.

    Enjoy your week!

  6. Cindy~~Your sweet to say that but let me tell you not all things come out perfect ALL of the time! :) I buy my jars online at different places. As for my business name...I live on the praire and I just came up with AcScents....I wanted something with Scents in it.

  7. Carolyn~Thanks for the sweet words. :) What next...after wheat harvest we harvest flax and then later on this fall we harvest sunflowers!

  8. We had some watermelon vines that were trying to take over our farm shops. We actually hosted a farm safety day last August where we served watermelon. A year later we had a watermelon growing from the seeds everyone spit out! They grew better than the ones we actually planted in the garden. Too bad we had to get rid of the vine because we were running out of places to park, lol.

  9. Love the pics..The way your described it reminds me of Little Shop of love this time of year..Last year I had gourds galore..Not from me planting them from the birds.>i was so thankful to have my wooden boxed filled last year.
    Best wishes on a new school year

    ~♥~ Stephanie

  10. I was just going to ask when you harvest the sunflowers, but I seen the above comment. I was so disappointed last week, we came home thru Kansas hoping to see some fields of sunflowers, but did not see any. I would love to take a picture of one. I love your pictures!
    until next time... nel

  11. In my area in Ohio, it has been so hot & dry, everything is dying. It has not been this bad in years. I lost all my pumpkins, melons, squash, zucchini, & gourds. So thank you for showing me something green & growing!

  12. It's so good to "see" you again!
    I didn't plant a garden this year, but I'm already planning next years :)

  13. It's so good to "see" you again!
    I didn't have time for a garden this year, but I'm already planning next years : )

  14. I'm with ya on the viney thing. They drive me nuts trying to keep them contained. They are winning.

  15. How great having your own vegies though!!! We had some pumpkins that just grew crazily!!!

  16. Wow, I've been gone sooo long! I would love to come pick your garden. I didn't get one in this year! Love the picture of the berries - that would look good on my living room wall!


  17. Sweet lady I DO stop computer is giving me fits when I try to sorry! We got a bad case of squash bugs and there were any pumpkins, squash ANYWHERE!!! We are pretty dry here...rain in forecast....YAY!! We are getting geared up for the fall 'bout you? Are you going this fall too?

  18. Farmchick, I'm laughing out loud. Yesterday: went to the garden to see if I had more zucchini to add to the vegetable medley I make, and on the back side, sort of tucked beneath the plethora of foliage was this 1.5 ft specimen that has to be so full of seeds. How, when did that happen?

    Happy gardening.


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guests around the farm! Come again!