Monday, August 23, 2010

It's harvest time!!

One of my favorite times
of the year on our farm....

The last few days have found me in my

For those of you that don't know...
Hard Red Spring Wheat is the
aristocrat of wheat for baking bread.
In other makes awesome breads!

This is what I see from my combine seat.

Unloading wheat from the combine into the truck.

Another scenic view taken from my combine cab.

Today is not a good harvesting day...too cool and damp.

I think I will go bake something!

Stop by soon to see what it was!

Please make sure you leave me a comment and say hi!


  1. Love the pictures! Glad we have that job all done. Have a great night. Rebekah.

  2. Interesting! Are you operating the combine?

  3. Farmchick...

    Yes....I do operate one of our combines. :)

  4. WOW! You really ARE a Farmchick!!!

  5. Thanks for sharing. I love seeing pictures of your farm life!

  6. Hi Tania! I so enjoy seeing your photos. We take so much for granted, not even thinking about where our food comes from. I am always inspired by your posts about farm life.
    Have a great week!

  7. Hi Tania! I so enjoy seeing your photos. We take so much for granted, not even thinking about where our food comes from. I am always inspired by your posts about farm life.
    Have a great week!

  8. I enjoy wheat harvest and I loved the few years we grew bread wheat (Hard White Spring Wheat), milling it for our bread. We don't grow that variety anymore since it doesn't like our weather conditions. Hard Red Winter Wheat is better here. And yet is slowly being phased out for more corn and soybean acres.

    PS I read your entries every time, but in my Google Reader so I don't always show up or comment. But I do read them. :o)

  9. Your pictures, how splendid! From them I can actually smell the harvest!

    Cellar Doors

  10. Mmmhhh the smell of fresh cut wheat. Beautiful pictures of your fields!

  11. wow, look at that field. I thought I had a big corn field behind my house.

  12. I always look forward to seeing what you are baking. Love the photos...I appreciate you and your husband. Farming is one of the hardest jobs I know.


  13. Thanks for the pictures. They bring back memories of my Papa, he farmed wheat and soybeans. When I was a girl we would go out to the fields and take him lunch. I miss those wheat fields. They have a houseing addition there now.
    Kim in OK

  14. Love seeing the sights from your combine seat.
    This is a job I could do. Just me and the tractor chugging along.

  15. Breath taking pictures, looks like a lot of acreage! You made me smell the dust & sweat!
    How we impatiently wait for harvest, waiting on it we struggle with mother nature,pray for enough rain, but not too much and a good price!
    When harvest comes, we get the equipment ready and ourselves, leave everything else go! And soon become exhausted & pray for winter!
    Love your blog!

  16. I love the pictures you took. Makes me want to bake something also.

    Hope all is well.

  17. On our farm it has been too wet for the crops to ripen. Well soon start harvesting canola. I have to bale an entire section of hailed out wheat and barley. From Clay Kindersley Saskatchewan.

  18. Nothing more beautiful than a field of wheat. As a home grown Kansas farm girl, I totally appreciate you and your farming family! I remember my mom grinding wheat when we were kids and making bread. LOVE IT!

    Miss visiting with you...hope all is well with you and your family. Talk soon!

  19. Thanks for the visit. I couldn't get the link on my blog to work, but I found you on Janet's.

    My FIL runs the combine and I highly doubt he'll ever let me run it. lol

  20. I just love your farm pics. Especially the wheat in your field. So golden and lovely with the sun hitting it like that. Love your new header picture too. xxoo


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