Saturday, August 14, 2010

Time keeps on slipping by..........

Our summer...
is going by too quickly.

I am trying to put the brakes
on it but it still keeps on going.

Do I really need to send
my babies off to school soon?

I always have a horrible
sense of dread at this
time of the year.
The pictures are of
things I have been baking
lately....hope they don't
make you TOO hungry! ;)
Remember to say hi
to me...I think it would
cheer me up a bit to
hear from all of you. :)


  1. Don't be too sad. Think of hot chocolate and soups and campfires and fall colors and crisp mornings and..........

  2. Hello and good morning.
    Love the bread pictures. I also enjoy taking pictures of my bread. I think I might have to post pictures too.
    Have a wonderful day.

  3. Too late, friend...your bread looks soooo yummy! ;-)

    I'm so glad to be able to stop by. Three weeks has been way too long!

    Thanks for your prayers for my brother. Please continue to pray for him...he needs healing in many areas of his life.


  4. I know that feeling, had it many times when my children were school age. The bread looks so yummy!!! I will have a piece, please! :-) Antique Rose

  5. The food looks great. And "sending" my kids to school is why I chose to homeschool. I know its not for everyone, but it works great in our family! Have a great weekend!

  6. I LOVE BREAD... especially fresh baked bread! Those roll look so good. I hope you have the recipe on your blog somewhere :)

  7. It's too hot to work outside so I am acually checking out my blog list.

  8. I agree that it is go by much to fast! I am ready the slower pace that fall brings through.

    Your baked goods look great. I am in the baking mood, but with the heat we have been having I haven't been able to turn on the oven. Even in the early morning.

    Hope your weekend is great!

  9. Students went back to school on August 2nd here. The poor teachers (me!) had to go back the last week of July!

  10. Summer IS ending way too soon! School begins here on Thursday and it sure feels like we just got out of school.
    I hate to see them back in school but I am more than ready for fall to get here.
    Cooler temps. falling leaves, camp fires and more.

  11. It's just as hard for me to have to go back and send my little boy back to daycare every weekday! It breaks my heart totally and I understand where you're coming from, feeling the same way! You pray for me and I'll pray for you--we'll make it girl!
    The bread looks fab!

  12. Yes, it is definitely going by too quickly... Thanks for the GREAT pictures, now all I can think about is warm bread with butter oozing off it sigh... LOL Have a great weekend! If you get a chance stop by my blog and say hi!

  13. I know exactly how you feel.
    Summer is over and my son and I start the next round next week.
    I'm gonna miss him being at home with me everyday.

  14. All of that WOndErFul bread.....YUM! I want to make bread like that....

    Summer is flying by here too...I can't believe it. My boys don't go back to school until after Labor Day. About 2 weeks later than normal. They are nearly ready now. Will be back, just been so darn busy...and having computer issues...and having picture downloading issues...uugghh!
    Take care!

  15. Wish I could make buns like your first picture. Looks so o o o o good! Yes, Summer is winding down, my daughter teaches in Louisiana, and already has been back in school w/kids there 2 weeks. Ugh! That is really terrible!

  16. What a great Mama wishing more time with her kids :D Do they know they are blessed to have you?!?! :D Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog..and as for my banner....a friend, Lindsay put it on for me...I didn't even know it was flax :( I Love it though...and how fun to get to see that beauty growing in your fields! We only raise cattle :D And...sometimes, that feels like toooooo much..I don't know how you do it :D And, I love the song playing by the way..."In God we still Trust"....great words to live each day by! Hope you have a GREAT week...thanks for being YOU and always brightening my day! Sweet blessings!

  17. I have finally gotten rid of dial up and am able to comment here! Yay! Come visit me sometime! :)

  18. Hi Tania! I know that feeling too. My granddaughter started to school last Monady. I have felt so alone and have been missing her. But she loves it so much. I hope she always will.
    Your breads looks so good! pass the butter! :o)
    Have a great week!

  19. Well great photos of your bread, I love the smell of home made bread in the house. Yep it happens to us all, wait til the empty nest syndrome hits ya, that is what is hard and takes some real getting used to. I love your blog, just found it, and felt right at home, guess all us Country folks just kinda find each other and blend, hugs and blessings Barbara from
    http:/ Stop by and say hello, would love to sit a spell and sip some Iced tea with ya.

  20. Mmmm...your bread looks yummy! I, too, get sad when sending the kids back to school so I totally understand!

  21. My two start back to school tomorrow. . . a senior in high school and a freshman in high school. But I think if I had one of those hot rolls with some butter on it I'd feel BETTER about sending them off again :0!

  22. Mmmmhhh the bread looks so good! Thanks for the cow patty cookie recipe going to have to give that one a try! Have a wonderful weekend.

  23. Thanks for your post, I do enjoy remembering my childhood at my grandparents. We have a ranch but we don't farm. Yes, we have the cows, horses, chickens, a duck,and lots of dogs and cats. My grandparents farmed and I remember having to go to the field were my papa and uncle were working to take them some lunch. Always fond memories.
    Thanks for the smiles and great food post,
    Kim in OK

  24. This sounds a lot like my last post. It doesn't get better no matter what grade they are in!! Dianntha


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