Wednesday, June 16, 2010

WOW......things sure can get crazy on the farm!

Okay.....I really am back now---really I am! ;) I sure have missed visiting everyone and have missed your visits too. Life here on the farm has been so busy. We are still struggling to get the last of our crops planted, spraying our crops and fixing fence. To top it off Mr. Farmer had a slight accident and dislocated his shoulder and bruised a few ribs. The good thing is it could have been a lot worse....the bad order to heal he would have to quit working....and right now he just can't. It's hard to watch him work when he is dealing with the pain so I do what I can to help him....but there are just some things I am not tough enough to do! Oh, the picture above is one I took when out in our pasture.

I leave you with another picture I took when we were out in the pasture. Everything is so nice and green and it smells SOOO good. Please leave me a comment so I know you have not forgotten me! I am going to be visiting this I can catch up on everyones lives. Come back Saturday for a new recipe that I am going to post. Have a great day!! :)


  1. Nope, ain't forgotten ya, farmchick!!! Sorry about th' hubs. It's tough being a farmer's wife. Hubs wanted to do that when we got married and I said nuuuuuu, the work is too hard!

  2. I TOTALLY understand the demands of a farm!!! I only have 1 acre and its only in a medium sized garden and herbs... small, but demanding none-the-less.

    I wish Mr. Farmer a speedy recovery. Those injuries are scary! I remember my grandfather catching his hand in the combine. He lost 3 fingers, which he literally had to pull off in order to escape the combine. He then drove himself several miles to the house where my grandmother (who was a very strong woman) bandaged him up, took him to the hospital and then went to look for the missing fingers. They weren't to be found, so Grandpa lived the rest of his life with only a thumb and pinkie on that hand. Its risky business being a farmer, and we're SO thankful to you all. No farms - No food! (: xxVicki

  3. Hello-Chicky! I knew you would be busy with spring chores. We all do have lives away from the computer and no one is going to forget you! HAHA! Really sorry to hear about the Farm Man. He must be suffering. Those ribs are not very forgiving! The weather hasn't been the most cooperative for planting or plowing or spraying--unless you're doing it with a hovercraft!
    Here's praying you all get a rest break soon, especially Farm Man so those ribs can heal up. Looking forward to what's in the kitchen!
    ★ Linda ★

  4. Sorry to hear about your hubby. Those tuff men just do what they have to do regarless of the pain. Hope that you get a break soon so he can heal!

  5. Hi, I have stopped by a few times recently to enjoy your writtings and pics but today I am truely sorry to hear about Mr Farmer because I know he won't stop working just because he's in pain. My guy is the same way when he needs to be. No - we're not farming but if we were he would. I'll stop back this weekend and take a look at whatcha got cookin'.

  6. No I have not forgotten about you. I sure do understand. I hope that hubs will soon heal and get some rest.
    I know how long it takes for ribs to heal.After 4 yrs mine still remind me of the injury I had.
    Prayers for you and I will be here to see what is cooking.

  7. Real life often gets in the way of blogging!!! lol!
    Good to hear from you.

  8. Hope Mr. Farmer recuperates soon. I understand not being able to stop work. Hard to do on a farm or ranch. Things still need to be done. Glad you're back!

  9. It's so, so beautiful there.

  10. Hope is has time to heal soon...take care. Dianntha

  11. So sorry to hear about your husband. I understand the busyness of the farm. It is the same way here on our farm. Have a great night. Rebekah

  12. I haven't forgot you. Glad your back. I know it's busy this time of year, everyone is.

  13. Tania, we could never forget you!

    I'm so sorry about Mr. Farmer's accident and injuries. I hope he has a speedy recovery. And I hope you do not over-work yourself while you help him.

    Take care and have a happy day!

  14. Tania, we could never forget you!

    So sorry about the accident and injuries. I hope Mr. Farmer heals quickly.

    Take care and have a happy day!

  15. I know the feeling, it is hard to post in the summer and add an injury to that yet, it becomes more difficult. Hope your husband is on the mend.

    We haven't forgotten you and will wait for the next recipe.


  16. I love it when we first take cows to the pasture for the season too....everything is sooooo green and pretty!

    I hope Mr. Farmer recovers quickly. Mine tore his rotator cuff a year and a half ago and it was tough for me to keep up with everything.

  17. Oh, dear...I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's accident! Praying for him to heal quickly and completely.

    It has been a very busy season in our family, too, but nothing like yours!

    Looking forward to your recipe tomorrow!


  18. I am still around, Girl! Can't get rid of me that fast. Hope the hubs gets to feeling well soon! Don't go hurting yurself...can't wait to see the recipe.

  19. What beautiful land! Sorry to hear about husband's accident.

  20. Hope your hubs heals quickly! Hopefully he can get a little downtime when the crops are all planted. I have been kinda lax on blogging lately also, writing and reading. It has been a crazy busy spring. Take care of your hubby, we will be here!

    until next time... nel

  21. So praying your Mr. gets better soon....and what a good farm wife you are to be right out there helping! The photos are beautiful...Hope you and your family are getting to squeeze in a little family Summer fun too! Sweet blessings!

  22. Hey lady! I'm waaaaay behind on my visits, too. I've decided not to post until I get caught up with everyone.
    I sure hope The Farmer's pain eases up! I know how it is when you just can't stop until the work is done. No matter what the circumstances are.
    Love those wild flowers and the wide open spaces!

  23. How could I ever forget a dear friend! Sorry to hear about the Farmer's accident. Hope he's getting better cause I know having a farm is hard work. Love the pic of the wildflowers in the field. *Sigh* xxoo


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