Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I really tried to post my recipe.....

Hello friends.....I know I promised I would post a recipe on Saturday but I could not get on blogger! I tried and tried and then finally just gave up! I don't have time to do it today but I wanted to just get on here quick to let you know what was going on! I am going to post the new recipe....in a day or so. Right now I have to get out and help fix fence. So, I leave you with another pretty farm photo. Hope your week is going well.....come back in a day or so to see my new yummy recipe. Don't forget to leave me a comment to keep this farmgirl goin'! :)


  1. I sure hope it's cooler there than it is here in MO. Baled hay over the weekend. Really need a nice cool day . . . about 70 degrees would be perfect :0!!!

  2. Have fun mending fences!
    Can't wait to see your new recipe.

  3. Pretty pictures! I know what you mean about having problems getting in at times. I thought maybe in was the server or something. Looking forward to your recipe. Hope you get the fence fixed. A farmers work never ends!
    until next time... nel

  4. Can I just say I ♥ my chapstick!!! It's great!

  5. The anticipation is killing me..LOL..Can't wait to see what the recipe is seriously..I have made a couple of your recipes and they are delicious..Have a great week..

  6. I don't know what's been up with Blogger lately...I've had some problems, too!

    Looking forward to your recipe. :-9

  7. We've got fence work to get done, too. It's just too hot or we are needed somewhere else. But we're down to pulling barbed wire and hanging gates. Won't be long now.

  8. Hey....found your blog....and can I say..our lifestyles are a lot alike! I am over at Joy In The Journey. I like your country music..I have some on mine too, but have written some of yours down to add to mine..lol! Give me a visit!


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