Friday, June 4, 2010

I have not fallen off the face of the earth...........

Dear friends.....I am still here! Things have been so crazy around here I don't even know where to begin. I can tell you that I should be back to my regular posting. I have so many things to share with you all.

It has been very wet here in our area and our spring seeding is going very slowly. We finally are done with wheat and flax but still have sunflowers, soybeans and canola to go. In between the field work and rains we have had sprinklings of events around here such as our daughter graduting from 8th grade, one son graduating from preschool, and our other son playing baseball. YES.......we have been tires are always rolling.

After a rainy yesterday the sun is shining and the birds are really tweeting away. I hope to have a productive day.

I sure do hope that all of my followers and readers have stuck with me! Please leave me a comment and tell me how you are and what you have been up too! I miss hearing from you all and want to pay you a visit too.


  1. Always love seeing your farm pics and checking out your recipes!

  2. So glad things are ok. And glad you are back. Life does get busy. I think the biggest percentage of us tend to post less especially in the summer. Something always going on.

    until next time... nel

  3. Glad to see you back posting. It has been very wet here also. Half my garden has been washed away. But praying for a change soon. Have a good day.

  4. Busy here, as always. Been doing a bit of baking and trying some new recipes. Spring morphed into summer real quick, and now it looks as if it's spring again!

  5. I can see from the pics that your life is busy and productive. It would be so sad if you didn't have these things to occupy you.*sigh*
    I don't think it is any particular season or event. I think it is just life and its circumstances. I look forward to hearing of your farm activities and your recipes. You make me smile. ★Linda ★

  6. It's a very busy time of year. Congrats to your daughter and son on their graduations! don't work too hard!

  7. Getting hot quickly in this part of Arkansas. Everything is growing, the produce, the weeds and the bugs.

  8. Looks and sounds like you have been busy!
    I find life seems to always be busy And If not busy then Manic!!! lol!!!
    Glad to hear alittle catch up form you though

  9. We came back from a beach vacation last weekend...I'm ready to go back! ;-)

    It's good to hear from you. Welcome back!

  10. Summertime, and it's busy! We understand :) Glad you're still thinking of us once in a while :)

  11. We all know how busy farming can be! Are there ever enough hours in the day?!

  12. Busy here too! It's that time of year!! :)

  13. Hello, dear friend, I'm finally able to start visiting again. Thanks for sticking with me what with all the wireless issues and the loss of my best friend. Your visits always mean so much.

    You've been really busy, I see. Congrats on the children's accomplishments. Always good to hear.

    Well, off to read more of your posts to try and catch up. xxoo

  14. I didn't know to miss you but I'm glad you're back! Nifty blog! I shall return. Love the photos and yummy recipes.

  15. Hope all is well with everyone. Looking forward to your posts. Always enjoy your pictures.

    Have a good week!

  16. Hey Tania! Sometimes I feel like I HAVE dropped off the face of the earth and sometimes I wish I could! LOL! Really, its not that bad, yet!
    We have been busy too, as many others. I'm sure most people understand how much work farming is, especialy right now. I hope the hard parts will be done soon so you can relax a bit.
    Have a blessed week, and know that we will never forget about you! Just come back when you can. :)

  17. I know what you mean, Miss Farmchickie!! Life sure doesn't slow down for anybody this time of year, does it?
    Hang in there girl! We'll still be here when things calm down!
    (If we don't keel over from exhaustion! *LOL*)

  18. In the garden! it's been a great gardening year. And on the road too--seems to be the story of our lives anymore.

  19. In the garden! it's been a great gardening year. And on the road too--seems to be the story of our lives anymore.

  20. Just as busy as you.....graduations, spur of the moment road trips, school, gardening, mowing.....I get a post in every now and then. But have been very slack on catching up with my blog friends. There's only so many hours in the day. *sigh*

  21. Isn't it just crazy how busy we get? Have missed your posts, but understand COMPLETELY! I have been really bad about posting too. Not enough hours in the day. Take care.

  22. back from vacation and trying to kick it back in gear....I just want to rewind back a week.....I know how times can be super busy....take time for yourself!

  23. I haven't been able to keep up with blogging or reading others blogs either. Busy, Busy, Busy!!!
    Our son graduated highschool, doing treatments (explanation on my blog)for a bone infection and just life.
    Glad to hear that your life is so wonderful with your kids and farm life :)what a joy!
    Kim in OK

  24. I totally understand, it has been crazy busy here on the farm too!


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