Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wordless {kind of} Wednesday~Farm Photo

Rainbow as seen from our farm yard.

This post will be wordless except for a few words! ;)

New recipe will be posted Friday!

Come back and check it out.


  1. wow! what an awesome shot of that beautiful rainbow!! an amazing promise of Gods goodness!!
    and that french toast looks soogood!!!
    happy 4th of july!

  2. I LOVE rainbows and that picture is beautiful!!!! Can't wait for a new recipe!! :)

  3. Beautiful! I love seeing rainbows in the sky; just doesn't happen often enough.

  4. That is a BEAUTIFUL rainbow!

  5. breathtaking! thanks for stopping by my blog...can't wait to check out the custardy french toast post!

  6. That is a magnificent rainbow photo. Seriously, I've seen quite a few. Perfect.

  7. that is so beautiful. I have not seen a rainbow for quite some time now.
    Thanks for sharing yours.
    have a great 4th

  8. So glad to see God is blessing your little corner of the world with magnificent rainbows :D Happy Fourth of July to you...may it be overflowing with GREAT family moments! Sweet blessings!

  9. Pretty rainbow. Don't you love having all that sky?


Thank you so much for visiting me today! I enjoy having
guests around the farm! Come again!