Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Failed again..................

Okay....I promised to show up last Saturday with a new recipe that I wanted to share but things just did not work out right and I did not have the time to take pictures etc.... I guess with so much to do with farming and family....time just keeps getting away from me! Sorry about that....

I really cannot believe that the 4th of July has come and gone already. I would love to put the brakes on summer....slow it down just a bit. I do not want my babies to head back to school and it seems like we are getting closer and closer to that time.
We have been getting lots and lots of rain here. We are in a pattern that if the weatherman says we have only a slight chance of rains! My main garden got flooded out awhile back when we received 4.5 inches of rain in one hour. I have replanted cucumers several times now. I am not going to have as many as normal but we will have enough for eating and canning a few. My flowers are slow to grow to as they have had too much water and not enough sun. They are finally coming around though with a few days last week of good and hot sun.

I am not going to state the day of my next post.....but I am hoping to be back soon. Please leave me comment and let me know how you are your garden is growing..anything that your little hearts desire. :)


  1. we did not even get a garden out this year with the graduation party and the remodel at the rental...not enough time...we will be sorry. Dianntha

  2. Still looks great to me, honey!

  3. Hot as the dickens here in West Michigan! Hoping for some rain tomorrow! Even the pool is 89 degrees!

  4. still waiting for summer but it's supposed to be here soon! So much rain and gloom has done some awful things to the garden...much the same as you. It is going to be a very late growing season here..;D

  5. we need rain here.. just doesnt seem fair that some get too much and others get none! there just needs to be a happy balance. Oh well we certainly know that isnt how it works!
    have a great day!

  6. My cucumbers are doing really well. I think I will have my best crop ever. Now if I could only control the weeds! First we had tons of rain and now it is hot, hot, hot.

    I would also like summer to slow down a little. It feels like it just got started and all I hear about around here is back to school. Yuck!

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog! It sounds like you are getting the same weather as we are, rain, rain and more rain! Which is very unusual for us!

  8. Nebraska has been getting record rain this summer as well! Lots of flooding. I think we've had 3 deaths in the state due to the water. :( But tornadoes have been down this that's good.

    Great to hear from you!

  9. Just wanted to wish you a HAPPY THURSDAY! We've had lots of rain this Summer too..but, NOW..the heat has descended :( I don't mind 90's but 100+ not so much :D Especially when we are starting our weekend run of farmer's markets! Praying your weekend is filled with just the "right" things..and many, many Sweet blessings!

  10. Sorry about the garden!
    You have too much rain.
    Here in SC we are on our knees begging for rain. I must water every other day. Well that's all I have time for. I really should be watering every day.
    We have had exactly two rains since summer began. And they didn't last but an hour or so. Not near long enough to last any amount of time.

  11. I noticed the stores already have school supplies out! I couldn't believe it. We're gettin' a good bit of rain here too.

  12. didn't have time to get a garden out this year. I am really missing it.

  13. We are having a lot of rain too...very UNUSUAL for us in July. It needs to quit for awhile...need to get cattle off grass! We actually don't start school until after Labor Day this year. We've been very busy getting ready for our county fair, 3 wks away. Wow...comes a little faster every year! Hope all is well with you and yours. Talk soon!


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