Saturday, June 26, 2010

Custardy French Toast :)

Hello! I have had the worst time with Blogger it would not let me upload my pictures! It is just so frustrating.....really wants to make you scream you know?? Not only have I had the blogger probs my memory card for my camera does not work now either so until I get a new one I have to use my phone to take the pictures....they are not as good and clear but I guess it will have to do for today!

This French Toast with home made creamy syrup is soooo good....I am sure your family will love it. Okay,'s not low-calorie nor is it particulary "healthy" for you....but it's GOOD! ;)

I made this the other morning for my farmer....after many, many days of being gone all day spraying he was finally home. I decided to treat him to a nice breakfast of Custardy French Toast and sausage. He is still recuperating from his accident and gets very sore at times. It's gonna be slow healing until he can give his body a rest.


6 eggs, beaten
3/4 cup whipping cream
3/4 cup milk
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 loaf French bread
2 tablespoons butter, divided

In a large shallow bowl, whisk eggs, cream, milk, sugar, cinnamon until well blended. Dip slices of bread into egg mixture. Melt one tablespoon butter on a non-stick griddle over medium heat. Cook for 4 minutes on each side, until golden and firm to the touch. Repeat with remaining bread.


1/4 cup water
1 cup brown sugar, packed
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup whipping cream
Combine and mix the water, sugar and cinnamon in a heavy saucepan. Heat on medium heat....slowly add the cream. Cook slowly until the mixture thickens slightly. Serve French Toast with Creamy Cinnamon Syrup.....SO GOOD!

My family thinks that this french toast kind of tastes like cinnamon rolls! The syrup is so creamy and carmel-ly I hope you all love and I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

that's what is for breakfast in
Farmchick's Kitchen today!


  1. Sounds Great. I cannot wait to try this out.
    Stop by and visit. I have a giveaway.


  2. Yuuuuummmmmm, chick. French toast is one of my favorite breakfasts.

  3. That's a bummer with blogger, I would also be SO frustrated!
    Your french toast looks delicious!

  4. You are talkin my language with that french toast! I love reading your blog...and I too am married to a farm boy....cows don't take a day off so I am with ya on all that....Blessings to you!

  5. Definitely going to try this one! We love our french toast.

  6. That looks and sounds delicious. I love cinnamon.

  7. My first three words should be, [after totally yummy] of course.

    Windows Live Writer!!!!

    Switch over to it, it's wonderful, easy to use, and it somehow bypasses all the Blogger technical difficulties that I have encountered in the last two years of blogging.

    I use it to publish all of my posts, and never [fingers crossed] have any difficulty using it. I still am a Blogger blog, but I just use Windows Live Writer to publish the posts. Nothing has changed visually on my blog. Except for the joy of easier publishing.

    And, I am no longer pulling out my hair.

    That French Toast, oh my yummmy, and it looks sooooo good. That's going on my list of too good to pass up recipes.

    Love your blog, and if you would like more info on Windows Live Writer, just email me. And I can send you the links from Jean, who put me onto it.

    Muddy Boot Dreams.

  8. Hi Just stopped by for a visit. Cute blog. Love country.

  9. Hi..thanks for the visit. This looks so yummy, my favorite kind of a meal too. Thanks for sharing it. You must be very busy this time of year. :D

  10. I know what you mean about Blogger problems. With the new computer, I didn't know that I was downloading pictures because the 'done' screen wasn't coming up. Little did I know every time I loaded a picture it was actually showing up on the post. Imagine having to clear 5 of the same pictures because you didn't know they were there. *hanging my head*

    Hope you get a new memory card soon, but I love any kind of picture you show cause they always involve something good to eat or something pretty. And I LOVE cinnamon! It's my favorite spice, with sage running a close second. :)

    Thanks for always visiting me while my heart mends. BIG HUGS! xxoo

  11. MMM! Sure looks good!

    Speedy recovery to your farmer!

  12. Oh I so can hardly wait to test out this recipe...french toast is definitely my Mr.'s favorite breakfast :D So glad you had time to spoil your Mr a little extra :D Hope he can find time to rest and his healing happens quickly! Sweet blessings!


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