Thursday, May 6, 2010

What I am doing...... :)

As I type this I have 16....YES 16 loads of laundry sorted out and ready to wash.  The washer and dryer are both already in use. You would not believe how dirty some of these wrangler jeans are....everything from grease to mud!  :)   My dining room table is covered in bills and checkbooks...township things and farm bills.  My head is spinning.  We have end of years concerts, programs etc...soon baseball will start.  It has been raining and snowing so the field work has stopped for now. 

I was looking through an old recipe binder of mine and I found this recipe.  I have not made these bars in a long time but I do remember that they were quite popular with people of all ages!  I needed to bake bars for Little Farmchick's last 8th grade music program.  I decided to make these. 

                               SUGAR COOKIE BARS


These breadsticks have been very popular with my blog readers.  If you missed the recipe when I posted it click HERE.  The breadsticks are supposed to be similar to Pizza Hut bread sticks. 

Well Chickies....I must run for now.  Take care and please do leave me a comment so I know you were here!!  :)

Don't forget....I am going to be having a giveaway check back often!  You never know when I may post it!!! 


  1. YIKES girl!! I don't envy you right now...16 loads of laundry, I'm surprised you still have clothes to wear ;)
    I'm going to give those bread sticks a try, they look so good. So does the sugar cookie bars but I'm afraid that one is off limits! Hope you find your way out of all the laundry and paper piles...take care. j

  2. I just found your blog through Country Girl At Heart. Boy do those sugar cookie bars look good. And those breadsticks, my, my, my.

    I am now off to do some browsing around your blog. Feel free to stop by for a visit,(well if you have any energy after sixteen loads of laundry.)

  3. I can't understand why you have so much not like you have anything to do...kidding.

    I live on a farm and had to kid a little.

    It will get better and things will slow down and you will have extra helpers home for the summer.

  4. The sugar cookie bars look sooooo good, I'd be tempted to devour the entire pan. My rhubarb is ripe and ready for picking, I'm off to make your upside down rhubarb cake, looks soooo delicious! It will be interesting to see if I can stop at one slice! 16 loads of launtry, really?

  5. Girl you need the biggest bottle of Tide evermade Ha! your laundry sounds like my daughters her hub is getting combines ready and the grease is something else and those three girls that change clothes and hundred times a day ! Lots of Luck with the wash !

  6. What a wonderful..full life you are so blessed! The food looks so are a great cook too! Come say hi :D

  7. That sounds like a mountain to are brave....I hope you get the strength (and time) to do all that work. Dianntha

  8. Oh...Mt. I loathe it and yet need it! I keep trying to tell myself I'm so blessed to be able to have all these clothes and the kids to fill them. :)

    Good luck with your 16 loads. If you get tired you can come up here and give me a hand. ;)



  9. Thanks for your comment.

    You and I...we'll tackle the mountain together. My husband told me that I should never look at laundry as something to check off of my list as it is never ever completed. He told me to think of it as a daily thing...something to continually work on. That helped. (Except for those days with 16 loads)


  10. Phew - sounds like you're keeping busy ! Your baked goods look lovely ... mmmmm. I also love your 'new look' blog :)

  11. How do you find time to blog? I would be sitting in a corner rocking back and forth, crying. lol.

  12. Oh dear, I remember the days of 16 loads of laundry. It seemed that I always had a load in the washer and dryer. Now I can do a whole week's worth of laundry in a a few hours! Amazing how simple life gets when the kiddos leave home...

  13. Hi! Saw your post on Freckled Farm. Love the breadstick recipe. Might try it today for when the kids all get home from school! Good luck with the laundry!!!!


  14. Hey Farm Doll! I love the Sugar Cookie Pan recipe....I actually have this one.....they are dreamy! Need to make them again :) I will have to make your bread sticks. Have a Happy Mother's Day!!! xo

  15. Here I am, sweet Farmchick! What kid wouldn't like those sugar cookie bars? With sprinkles and all! YUM

  16. Those look so yummy! Busy here too! :)

  17. Those are making me hungry!
    I understand busy. I'm busier than a cat in a sandbox myself.
    Happy Mother's Day!

  18. Yummy....they sure are lucky to have you cooking there on the farm!

    Things here are crazy busy too...May just seems to be ONE CRAZY month.

  19. Sounds like life is definitely HAPPENING at your house :D Praying the laundry is all done, and you don't have to look at the washer & dryer for a week! Sweet blessings!

  20. 16 loads of Laundry? UGH.... I would go to the nearest bridge and JUMP!! :)
    The pictures made my mouth water!

  21. mmm... cookies and breadsticks!! If I could just stop at one!!! hope the weather is cooperating with you for crop planting!
    It was nice here yesterday, todays not too bad.. but not too sunny either!
    have a great week!

  22. Love Pizza Hut breadsticks so I know I'm gonna love these. You are always so sweet to offer recipes like this. You know my box is getting filled with yours. :) xxoo


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