Thursday, April 29, 2010

Busy days on the farm.................

Spring has finally come to the farm
{though I heard that rain is moving in
and that rain my change to SNOW}

The trees are budding...
my nose tells me so as it is
getting very sniffly! 

Long, busy days are ahead
as my Farmer heads out to the
the field.  He is fertilizing the
fields right now.  We spread
urea in our fields.  Here he
is filling the Terra-Gator with

I am sorry I missed my weekly
recipe post for Weight Watcher
Wednesday...but I just could not
find the time!

Tell me what is going on in
your neck of the woods.

Thanks for stoppping by!

Farmchick :)


  1. Yes, spring is so busy...the farmers are planting soy beans as we speak but this weekend may slow the progress...lots of rain headed our way. Best wishes, Dianntha

  2. it gets busy! Good luck with all of it..we got snow today! Come say hi :D

  3. I think everyone is busy right about now. We've been trying to get a new floor in our trailer. Maybe this weekend! Have a great one!

  4. Indeed a busy time for all, but loving it! ★Linda

  5. Now that's a big operation! We think spreading Fertilizer is dragging the poop or spreading three little tons of pellets.

  6. It seems that everyone is busy this time of year. The change in the weather means projects, gardening and lots of outside playtime around here.

  7. We don't farm but we are right in the middle of lots of land farming and we rent some out.... many irrigators in the area and yes they've been busy planting....

  8. Hey Tania! We understand how busy this time is for you & your family. Farming is your livelihood, so you have to keep up with the work involved.
    I wish you many healthy crops, plenty of rain & sunshine and lots of free time between the work.
    Have a great weekend!

  9. Just found you, love the recipies! I will be back.

  10. Been super busy around here, too. I finally have a "little" break. Just trying to catch up.

  11. Looking forward to the weekend myself. Hope you find a little time to relax. In a few minutes I for one am going to my place of meditation. On the lake, fishing.

  12. Isn't it funny how darn BUSY everyone gets in the Spring? Good to hear from you...hope all is well up north! Take care and have a good weekend!!

  13. I'm beginning to think everyone's middle name is "busy" in the springtime.

    We appreciate all of the work you farmers do because it is not easy.

    Take care!

  14. I just want you to know that everytime I open your blog your header makes me smile :)

    Glad you've got some Spring weather! Hope the snow stays away!!

  15. Our sweet farmers are fixing to start cutting their hay. We haul it to the dairies for them. My brother is cutting triticale now so it's officially spring! I've planted my flowers and we're all praying for RAIN!! ;)

  16. Our sweet farmers are fixing to start cutting their hay. We haul it to the dairies for them. My brother is cutting triticale now so it's officially spring! I've planted my flowers and we're all praying for RAIN!! ;)

  17. It's so funny that I heard from you because I was looking at the rhubarb cake the other day and thought about how much my hubby would love it, sweetpea. He's got this "thing" for rhubarb and I can't stand it. LOL But he puts it over ice cream and just loves it. I didn't tell him about the cake because that would mean I have to cook and I ain't cookin' any more than I have to. ;-)

    I suppose you;re prepping for the planting about now, right? I'm sure you and the hubs are busy.


  18. Happy May! Hope you get to find time to do a few fun things....I Love looking at the photos of your farm by the way :D Life here is definitely OUT OF CONTROL too...I'm winding down preschool, farmer's markets have begun, and the wind has blown hard, literally non-stop for a week :( So thankful for a warm home...and that even in the midst of the wind...Spring is still sprouting :D Have a GREAT week! Sweet blessings!

  19. Happy May! Hope you get to find time to do a few fun things....I Love looking at the photos of your farm by the way :D Life here is definitely OUT OF CONTROL too...I'm winding down preschool, farmer's markets have begun, and the wind has blown hard, literally non-stop for a week :( So thankful for a warm home...and that even in the midst of the wind...Spring is still sprouting :D Have a GREAT week! Sweet blessings!

  20. When you've had your fill of that rain, send it our way please! Hard to get into the fields when they're sopping wet! Busy is good - it keeps us out of trouble, or so I am told!


Thank you so much for visiting me today! I enjoy having
guests around the farm! Come again!