Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Around the farm.............

everything is GREENING up! Oh, how I L~O~V~E spring!

Please, Mr. Golden Sun...come out and shine

so we can get our crops in the ground. :)

How has the weather been at your place?

My next post will be about my giveaway~

Make sure you check you out!!


  1. It really lifts my spirit when things start to green up. Rain is in the forecast for the week. We need the moisture so I won't complain!

  2. Here in Texas if you blink you might just miss spring. Things are really green and the bulbs are mostly past their bloom. We are supposed to get up to 90 today and it is so very humid.

  3. I LOVE the green of spring after everything has been brown and dead. Can't wait to see what you are giving away---have a super day. Julie

  4. It's green down here, but I still don't have my garden planted. I know, shame on me. I just haven't had time. But it will be soon.

  5. Weather has been in the 90s! We are green. The wheat is already turning brown and the corn is over a foot tall!

  6. Green is just a GOOD color! Don't feel alone though...we have had crazy wind, rain, snow in the mountains...and finally, just today...a REAL Spring day filled with Sunshine! Hoping it finds itw way to your place too! Sweet blessings!

  7. Tired of rain here, and this weekend is suppose to be dry. All we have left to plant is corn. All the small grain is in the ground and coming up!

  8. Our spring is about gone and heading into summer with much humidity. Still lots of violent storms out there which I don't care for but that is the part of our country we live in.

    Our bulbs are gone and the annuals are in. I love this time of year.

    Can't wait to hear about your giveaway.


  9. I don't know when we are going to ever get my flowers and garden planted. It has be rainy, very cold for the last week. We have had frost 2 nights this week. It is green turning yellow for lack of SUN!!
    Love the header.

  10. Like ;you...waiting for the weather to change to get ours in the ground also. They say more rain today. We had over 3 inches yesterday alone.

  11. We have had so much rain...and a little chilly..I am ready for some sunshine too. Blessings, Dianntha

  12. Love the new shades of green when spring is here. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great sunny weekend.

  13. Our weather has been up and down... dry and hot one week then humid and damp the next. Right now it's humid with skies threatening thunderstorms! YEEK!

  14. Weather has been rainy and cloud here too. But we did manage to get the crops in before the moonsoon began. Today, though, is supposed to be the start of a long stretch of hot, dry weather! 88 and sunny tomorrow! Woot!


Thank you so much for visiting me today! I enjoy having
guests around the farm! Come again!