Saturday, April 24, 2010

Rhubarb Upside Down Cake

If you are like me and you have a few packages of rhubarb left that you would like to get rid of before the new crop comes in MAKE THIS CAKE!!  It is so easy and really, really good!

Rhubarb Upside Down Cake
1 (18.25 ounce) package moist yellow cake mix
2 cups diced rhubarb
1 1/4 cups white sugar
1/2 pint whipping cream
1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour a 9x13 inch pan. Prepare cake mix according to the package directions. Pour batter into prepared pan.
2.In a medium bowl, mix together the rhubarb and sugar. Spoon the rhubarb mixture over the cake batter. Drizzle the whipping cream over the top of the rhubarb.
3.Bake 40 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. Let cake cool completely before turning it out onto a serving dish.

Hope you enjoy it.  Oh and I always refrigerate any leftovers.  {if there are any}  :)

Hope your weekend is enjoyable.  As always leave me a comment!


  1. YUM...this sounds good and easy too...I LOVE rhubarb in any form...I will try this, thanks for sharing it. Come say hi :D

  2. OH....MYY......that sounds WAY too good! Thank you so much for sharing!!!

  3. I love rhubarb, and my patch is growing quite nicely. Not only does your cake look delicious, but also easy to make and I have all the ingredients on hand. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Yummo! That looks awesome....I don't even know what rhubarb looks like...LOL. Stopping in to say hi and hope all is well!!

  5. That looks fabulous. I absolutely love anything with rhubarb in it. I'm going to have to go find some now so that I can make this recipe.

    Hmmmmm.....where to go?`


  6. how did you know I just picked some rhubarb?? Can't wait to try this.

  7. I am all over this recipe for desert one day this week..Thanks!

  8. Mmm, I'm going to have to try this! I still have some rhubarb in my freezer, maybe use some Wednesday for church treat. I need to use it up to put new rhubarb in again! Karen

  9. Yum! My mum made something similar when we were young but with sour cream....Delicious!

    The tortellini soup has made my mouth water on your previous post!
    Things are getting cold here so some soup would be good.

  10. It does look good.
    I'll have to try it.
    Thanks for visiting me.
    Have a great day.

  11. Hello there.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and letting me know you were there.

    I have had a quick look over your blog and decided to become a follower. Your recipes look soooo good!

    I have become a fan of your facebook account too.

    Hope you have a nice day,

  12. Looks great-found you thru another GA farm blog. Stop by and say hello.

  13. Hello Friend, Thanks for checking on me. Wow the cake would surely make me fell better! lol Actually I have never had Rhubarb.. Still looks yummy. I love your header.

  14. What a wonderful blog you have! All of your recipes look delicious! Thanks for visiting me.

  15. Hey there...thanks for your sweet encouraging words on my blog... :D If only I could just make more, less :D ha, ha...

    I so am keeping this recipe until the new crop comes, because I know my Mr. would LOVE it!

    Hoping Spring is blossoming in full force in your little part of the world...and that your week is being blessed in Great ways! Sweet blessings!

  16. love rhubarb, my rhubarb is gone from last year, can't wait until rhubarb is ready this year--


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