Saturday, March 6, 2010 I didn't get back to my regular posting....

I really truly meant to get my regular posts written. Life just got too busy.
I think I should be able to starting on Monday. {I hope}

We have had fog for days and days and days. I am so ready for some sunshine.
I am ordering my seeds and have spring fever pretty bad.

Here are a few pictures taken around our yard. As you can see everything is covered in frost.
It gets so heavy that you will see if falling off the branches....just like snow.
Pretty? Yes of course....but it sure doesn't look very SPRING like does it?
It is in the 30's so that is nice....we just need some SUN!

What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?
Happy Weekend everyone! :) Stop back on Monday for a great new recipe!


  1. It is so pretty but I too am sick of the's still cold here..the sun teases us but when you go out, the wind is cold! Come on Spring!!! Come say hi :D

  2. Very pretty pictures. I agree that it hard to go without sun for days and days. We are having a tease of spring this weekend. It is close to 50*, the sun is shining and almost all of the snow has melted. Come on Spring!

  3. Beautiful here this weekend! Highs in the low 50's and lots of sunshine! Feels good!!

  4. Your picture are beautiful, but oh I can imagine you are ready for sunshine. It is so pretty in our neck of the woods. It is 63 right now. We actually went out to the park and walked around. I too am ready for spring!

    until next time... nel

  5. Our weather is a lot like yours...winter is still here and plenty of snow still on the ground but they are calling for rain this week and that will melt lots of it. Dianntha

  6. Ugh! Cold temps! Today was beautiful in Central Texas. Mid to upper 60s with the sun shining. Suppose to get rain tomorrow though. :(

  7. The pictures are great! Don't worry, spring will be here before we know it! I hope you are having a great weekend! ~Dan~

  8. Beautiful pictures and spring is a day closer.

  9. I Love those photos :D So sorry, for all the fog...that happened to us in January/February a LOT! I have to say the weather here has been totally like the 60's and sun everyday...but, I'm not falling for it lasting...I have a feeling we'll still get another patch or two or yucky weather before it finally stays :D Praying you get a week or two of sun soon too....Hey, I made your blueberry muffins this weekend..they were totally amazing!!! Thanks again for posting your goodies for us....Happy Monday! Sweet blessings!

  10. Good to here from you though!! Isn't that frozen fog so AWESOME!!! LOVE the last picture! Even though it's so awesome, it's time for some Spring to come your way!! We have been in the upper 50's for the last few days! I could even smell rain in the air this evening!!

  11. Starting to warm up here. Supposed to be in the 60's all week. I love it. I hope it warms up for you soon, too!!!

  12. It was 70 degrees here today, wonderful!

  13. all i can say is burrr.... no thank you very much. we are so over the cold in our neck of the woods. it's been in the 60's for the past week with the sun shinning so brightly that it just about blinds you. sorry, didn't mean to brag :) hope you get some sun your way soon- i don't like the cold, fog, ice, snow, just plain cold either myself~ happy monday...

  14. Love your pictures. Our weather has been beautiful since the weekend. Hopefully, it'll only get better.

    Have a wonderful week!


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