Monday, March 1, 2010

I'm back! :)

We took a spur-of -the moment- trip last Wedneday

and we did not come home until Sunday! It was so fun

to get away and enjoy ourselves. It happened all because

my farmer was looking at new sprayer in Iowa. So, we all

decided to go and have a mini-vacation in Minneapolis!

We stayed at the Raddison in Bloomington which has

the nation's largest indoor waterpark. {}

A good time was had by all! :) We are home now and I

am scrambling to get caught up on laundry and other chores.

I missed checking out what you all have been up too! Leave

me a comment and tell me what exciting things you have

been doing in your neck of the woods~I want to hear

the not so exciting stuff too! ;) I will be back to my regular

posting schedule so stop back soon.


  1. Oh, how I wish we would go someplace.
    I have been doing laundry, cooking, working, picking up the boys and dropping them off, the same old "mom" stuff.
    Nothing too exciting. }{:o)
    Welcome back.
    Do you still have snow in your area?

  2. Not much new over here...just sick with the "fever". Spring fever!

  3. Hey! Glad you got away for some family R&R. We had twin blessings born on Saturday morning, and we've decided to begin homeschooling our daughter. That's the excitement around my homestead!

  4. Those unplanned spur of the moments events are the most fun! I'm sure you had a blast - did you get to shop too?

  5. Looks like you had a wonderful time away - welcome back !
    Lynda, Kilimanjaro, East Africa

  6. Glad to see that you had some family R&R. It sure does look like a neat place.
    I have not been up to anything interesting. It is still just cold and snowy here.
    I just wanted to say also that I made you Peanut butter Puffs and they were so good. Hubby even liked them and it made a good snack without feeling to guilty.

  7. How fun! That would be a definite cure for this Spring Fever. Problem is that we wouldn't want to come back home to the SNOW!

  8. What fun! And spur of the moment,too?! That's even better.
    Just trying to stay dry and warm over here.
    I LOVE that song.....She's country......

  9. So close and yet so far.... :oc

  10. It looks like ya'll had the perfect family adventure. The water park looks amazing, 'so glad ya'll had a blast.

    You have yourself one fantastic day and welcome back, sweetie.

  11. Good for you in taking some time to enjoy life!

    So, did you get a new spayer or find one that you like?

  12. So so smiling for you and your family that you got a spur of the moment get away...aren't those just the BEST! Hope everyone came home refreshed & rejuvenated! Sweet blessings!

    P.S. Did your Mr. come home with a new sprayer too :D ????

  13. I just knew you were gonna say you were in Kansas City and I was gonna say, "why didn't you call me???" But, I was


Thank you so much for visiting me today! I enjoy having
guests around the farm! Come again!