Friday, February 19, 2010


Can I come in???


  1. I don't know if I could resist this face. So cute.

  2. Just found your blog and love it. I would SO have to let that sweet kitty face in!!!!

  3. How cute! Poor little kitty is cold! ~Dan~

  4. That looks a lot like our spolied kitty!

    Oh, and you peanut butter puffs look great! I'll have to try them out1

  5. 1. I would definitely FEED that cat!
    2. The chocolate syrup is a bit messy so we tried the coating instead and it was divine.
    3. I have to admit that spring will definitely be sweeter this year after such an awful long winter.
    4. Have a super weekend and enjoy that cat!

  6. You'd better let that precious pus in!!!

  7. Ohhhh, I'm afraid the answer at my house would be come in sweet kitty kat! :D

  8. Ah, let that poor putty cat in, who could resist that sweet face.

  9. Oh that makes me giggle thinking about one of our cats! She was put out in the barn and then one cold winter night last winter she appeared on the porch looking through the window! We felt so sorry for her she has become a "garage" cat because she hates it outside LOL!

  10. Cute!
    Poor kitty is cold. Let him in! tee hee

  11. Hey! Thanks for visiting my blog! :)

  12. *Achoo....aaaaaaachoooo!* So sorry, kitty, *sniff*, but I'm allergic to cats! You'll have to stay with Farmchick. ;-)

  13. How cute is that...I would so let him in and give him a warm bowl of milk... :)

  14. :) I am such a Cat lover...or as my Mr. calls me a crazy cat woman :D I bet you found a way to keep your kitty warm!

    I'm so sorry to report, we had a change of plans & I didn't get to make your blueberry muffins at preschool yet :( Hopefully, soon! I absolutely LOVE blueberries :D

    And, as for painting your living fun...I bet it feels so new & fresh...just the right pick me up on a LONG Winter!!! What color did you choose! I think you should post some pictures so we can all see :D

    Hope you have a wonderful, perfect weekend! Thanks again for being such a sweet girl..and all you share with us! Sweet blessings!

  15. She reminds me of our CUTE! Who could resist such a little beggar?!

  16. Hi Farm Chick! I've seen your name on other blogs so had to stop by and check out your site. LOVE the recipe for the peanut butter puffs! Gotta try that one!

    We have two kitties already but if I saw that face I'd have to let him in!! :o)

    Nice blog!

  17. I enjoy reading your blog. I've chosen you for a Beautiful Blogger Award!

  18. Awwww, that is precious!! I am allergic to, ours are all barn cats! I'm sure the hay is warmer than my house...yah, that's what I tell myself!!! Have a beautiful day you sweet sweet woman!

  19. Thanks so much for popping over to visit me on our farm in the foothills of Mt. Kilimajaro ... wow, although we live worlds apart it seems like our lives are so similar in many ways ... I've become a follower of your blog & will check back often ... lovely to 'meet' you ! Bye for now from a fellow farm girl ....
    Lynda, Kilimanjaro, East Africa

  20. Aw! This cat looks like the cat I take care of. I work at an antique mall, and he comes home with me at night so he doesn't have to be lonesome.
    ~ Heather, from Bizy Janes


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