Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's a New year!!!!!!

May God’s

richest blessings,

truest joys,

constant love,

tender guidance,

unfailing protection

and calming peace

be yours

this year 2010.

Happy New Year!

I have some many new things to

share with you all. Being a

more "timely" blogger

is one of them.

Be always at war with your vices,

at peace with your neighbors,
and let each new year

find you a better man.

~Benjamin Franklin~

Come back soon....

Leave me a comment

for how will I know you

were here if you don't! ;)


  1. Hope you all had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.
    Hope you are staying warm.

  2. Looking forward to your recipes...and as always the farm pics. Love them!

  3. Hello there...and Happy New Year to you too! I Love your new banner...and your words of blessings for 2010 (I might just borrow those to post beside my computer :D)!!! Hope you've had a wonderful Christams break with your kids...and that this new year brings GREAT things to you and your family! Sweet blessings!

  4. Happy New year! heres too another creative year of art.. cooking and bloggine!
    Keep those recipes low fat for me OK?? Ive already lost 32 pounds, but my goal is 40 more by Summer!
    Love the snowy pictures below.. were getting hit pretty good with it this weekend. blaaahhhh!! I hate being cold and I hate driving in it.. it is pretty though.

  5. Happy New Year to you as well!

  6. love the header image! I see it in a quilt. :)

  7. Have a very prosperous and happy new year. Keep the good recipes coming.


  8. Happy New Year from SD! I look forward to visiting your blog throughout 2010!!!

  9. Happy New Year. Looking forward to reading your blog and trying some of your fantastic recipes!

  10. From one Farmgirl to another, thank you for your wishes. The hit the spot for 2010~

  11. Whenever you are here, I'm here! You have a great year too...lets hope! Come say hi :D

  12. Wishing you and your family a Blessed 2010~ So happy you received your cards~ I hope you enjoy them! Talk soon~

  13. So glad to see you back!!! Hope you had a Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Years!

  14. Happy New Year, Tania! May it be filled with many blessings & joy!

  15. That's new years resoulution is to have more peace in my life so your blog fit me quite well!

  16. Oh my goodness at the snow you have! I remember the pictures of "the chair" from last year! I'd like a little bit of it! :) We are actually expecting a little bit of snow later this week!

    Best wishes to you and your family for a Blessed New Year!


  17. Thank you, Farm Chick!
    And I will all the same for you in 2010!!


Thank you so much for visiting me today! I enjoy having
guests around the farm! Come again!