Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Good morning dear readers,
Here I am trying to be a better blogger!
I really hated sending my kids back
to school on Monday...I just really,
really enjoy having them home with me.

We had a tragedy at our school this week.
A little boy (age 9) in Jr. Farmer's class
passed away during the night a few days ago.
He had a seizure while sleeping. As you
can imagine this has been extremely
difficult for everyone. Please pray for
this family and also for his classmates
and teachers. This type of thing is
hard to understand for an adult so you
can imagine how hard it is on a child.
Thank you all in advance for your prayers.

This is the dish I made for our
Christmas Eve Supper.

Pasta with Shrimp and Grape Tomatoes

1 1/2 lbs shrimp, peeled and deveined
1/2 cup fat free chicken broth
1/2 cup white wine
Salt and fresh pepper
11/2 tsp red pepper flakes (for a little BAM)
8 oz angel hair pasta
Pam or other cooking spray

2 cups grape tomatoes, halved
6 cloves garlic, pressed with your garlic press or minced
4 tsp extra virgin olive oil

Bring a large pot of salted water to boil.

Heat a large skillet on high heat. Season shrimp with salt and pepper. When skillet is hot, spray with oil and add shrimp. Cook shrimp about 2 minutes in each side until almost cooked through and remove from the pan. Set aside.

Reduce skillet heat to medium, add olive oil and garlic and sauté until golden, careful not to burn. Add tomatoes and season with salt and pepper. Simmer about 4 minutes. Add white wine and broth and stir. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes on medium low heat.

While sauce is simmering,cook pasta until al dente. Drain when done.

After sauce simmers 10 minutes, add shrimp to sauce to finish cooking, about 1 minutes (Do not overcook or shrimp will get pretty chewy). Add pasta to the sauce and toss well. Add cheese to each serving before eating!!! YUM-O!!

(I wanted bigger shrimp but they were out!)

We are getting a little more snow to add to our Christmas 2 feet!

Hope things are going well in your neck of the woods.
Leave me a comment...and let me know!
(is it just me....or does anyone else have weird things
happen with their spacing????) I have retyped and
edited the html with the spacing two times)
I give up now. *big sigh*


  1. We are supposed to get about 2" of snow tomorrow. It rarely snows here, so it could get pretty crazy out on the roads. Do you ever feel isolated when it snows in the country? I have always wanted to move tot he country and get a small family farm, but my husband is positive that if it snowed, we would be stuck inside because the city/ state (Whatever) would never de-ice the roads. I have been really enjoying your blog. That Christmas Eve dinner looked delicious. Note to self: train kids to like shrimp and prawns. ;0)

  2. Death is always hard, I cannot imagine losing a child. My prayers are sent.

    You have made me hungry! If they tasted as good as they look, they have won a blue ribbon.

    No school here for two days, today is snow routes only. More snow coming in tonight. Supposed to be one degree Friday. What happened to living in the south???

  3. Yes, sometimes it seems this thing has a mind of it's own! The dinner looks wonderful, I could almost taste it! Too bad about the boy..we have had at least 10 deaths in our small community lately, 4's been really hard but you know how small places are. No snow here yet! Take care and come say hi :D

  4. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I think I'm going to make that this weekend. It's been very cold here in Florida...well, by Florida standards anyway! Our lows have been in the 30's and highs in the low 50's. That's way too cold for this girl! If it's gonna' be that cold, I would just assume it snow, too! Although most people down here can't drive in the rain...they'd probably have to shut everything down if it snowed! Stay warm and have a good week!

  5. funny thing...I was going to have shrimp alfredo tonight, but I'm out of we will have this instead!! Hope your day today is better....are you getting lots of snow?? It's been snowing here off and on all day.
    Talk to you later,

  6. As much as i love the bigger shrimp for presentation, for practicality, the mediums are best. You can pop a whole med. shrimp in your mouth, but have to cut the giant ones in half!

    How sad for this young boy's family, and for those children who were his friend. Yes, i will pray.

  7. What a tragedy!
    When you hear of something like this it just rocks you, regardless of whether you know the person or not. It's every parent's worst nightmare. My thoughts and prayers go to the family as well as the community.
    Every once and a while I have problems with the spacing. I usually just quit trying and go back later and the problem seems to be better. Must be a blogger glitch.

  8. We're supposed to get 4"-6" inches of snow, beginning tomorrow afternoon. The high temperature will be in the teens, lows in the single digits.

    I'm battling a sinus infection - felling pretty cruddy - so I'm just trying to keep warm. Thank goodness for micro fleece jammies and hot tea!

  9. P.S. I'm praying for the family and friends of the 9 yr. old sad.

  10. WONDERFUL recipe! Sounds yummy and can't wait to make it. Thanks for sharing.

    Will keep that family in prayer--may God give them the peace that passes ALL understanding.

  11. So sorry to hear about your son's classmate!
    I will definitely send up a prayer for you ALL.

  12. Oh that is so horribly sad!! I will definitely be praying for everyone! Thanks for sharing that with us so we can pray for them...

  13. Yummy...that dish looks amazing!

    Praying for the family of the little boy and for your young one too...tough to understand for those young ones.

  14. Happy New Year my country friend! Yes, I sure will be praying for that dear boys family. Our son has seizures and that is our greatest fear. My heart breaks for that poor family.

    Hugs, Lea

  15. I'm so sorry to hear about the boy in Jr's class!

    I'm not sure where you guys live, but I know around here school was out all week except for Monday b/c of the snow!

  16. I definitely have to try this one!! Looks YUMMY!!

    BTW, I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers!!

  17. Prayers for the family. It must be so hard to lose a child that way.
    God will reach out and give them comfort.
    Thanks for sharing your recipe it sure does look good.

  18. Hi Farmchick: Thanks for stopping by Bunny Sunday!
    Mmmm... this shrimp pasta dish looks fabulous -- and easy! I just printed it out to try one of these nights. Thanks for sharing. :)

  19. So sorry to hear about that little heart hurts for his family and friends. You are all in my prayers....i wish thngs like this didn't happen.....makes me sad :(

  20. So sorry to hear about that little heart hurts for his family and friends. You are all in my prayers....i wish thngs like this didn't happen.....makes me sad :(

  21. So sorry to hear about that little heart hurts for his family and friends. You are all in my prayers....i wish thngs like this didn't happen.....makes me sad :(

  22. Praying for your family as you help your children grow through one of life's happenings..and praying for the family of the little boy too! Above all...I'm praying God's peace & comfort to surround each & every one! Sweet blesings!


Thank you so much for visiting me today! I enjoy having
guests around the farm! Come again!