Saturday, December 26, 2009


I hope that you all had a very Merry Christmas.

We were in the Christmas Blizzard of 2009 so most of our family did not make it here. More celebrating will be done when we all DIG out!!!

Remember the CHAIR from last winter??? Those of you who have followed my blog for awhile will remember my chair....the official measurer of snow!! Here it is after the Christmas Blizzard 2009!!

More snow pictures!!

and since we no place to go.....let it snow.....let it snow.....let it snow!!!!!

I have a great recipe to post...hopefully in a day or's what we had for Christmas Eve supper!! YUMMY!!

Leave me a comment and let me know you stopped by I would love to hear about your Christmas!! :)



  1. OH my...sweet really ARE in a Winter Wonderland! So glad you were surrounded by those you Love most, and were able to just stay inside and "be"! Hope your Christmas was overflowing with ALL that is Right! Sweet blessings!

    P.S. Your photo will definitely remind me NOT to whine when we get a couple inches of snow :D

  2. OH my...sweet really ARE in a Winter Wonderland! So glad you were surrounded by those you Love most, and were able to just stay inside and "be"! Hope your Christmas was overflowing with ALL that is Right! Sweet blessings!

    P.S. Your photo will definitely remind me NOT to whine when we get a couple inches of snow :D

  3. wow! I remember snow like that, though I have not experienced it in many many moons. I like in Los Angeles and Christmas was great because it was the first one with our new baby boy. A little snow would have been nice, just on Christmas day, and just a little! Hope you get to do more celebrating soon!

  4. We had snow but nothing like that...Christmas was wonderful with the granddaughters!

  5. Oh dear, it's a good thing Santa can find his way through blizzards! We, on the other hand had 2 days of non-stop Christmas RAIN this year. Not to worry though! Today we received 7 inches of fluffy white stuff to help make up for yesterday. Sort of pales in comparison to your experience though!


  7. I guess you did have snow!!! And here I am in Eastern Canada and no snow at all!!!! Hope you had a great Christmas!

  8. Happy New Year, too, chick! Hey, got snow, honey??!! I'll bet when you retire you move to Arizona. LOL

  9. judging by the chair snow meter, you really got hit, big time!

  10. Gee, thanks for sending the Christmas Blizzard to me! lol
    We have 10", of new snow with an 1" of ice underneath and 5-7ft drifts. The snowplow has not gone by yet. And we had no electricity on Christmas Day from 4a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

    But we were warm, (kerosene heater) and had food and each other (dh, me and ds2). And Christmas still came!

  11. Gee, thanks for sending the Christmas Blizzard to me! lol
    We have 10", of new snow with an 1" of ice underneath and 5-7ft drifts. The snowplow has not gone by yet. And we had no electricity on Christmas Day from 4a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

    But we were warm, (kerosene heater) and had food and each other (dh, me and ds2). And Christmas still came!

  12. I was wondering what had happened to the chair. Was looking for you to post about it when the last snow melted. Glad to see it's still your snow meter. :)

    Loved the other pictures of snow piled up too. We got some finally, but it's almost all gone now.

    Our Christmas celebration was potponed until January 2nd because WV had an ice storm and we didn't want Sister S on the road then. I did get a wind chime from Sister P in OK, it's on my latest post.

    Glad you and the family had a great Christmas and please post the recipe. You know I enjoy everything you share as I make them myself. Yummy!

    Happy New Year, sweet friend. xxoo

  13. Wow! I thought we had a lot of snow! We enjoyed the Christmas Blizzard as well-not quite like you did...:)
    Can't wait to see what recipe you are sharing!
    Your cards should be arriving any day now...I'm so excited for you to receive them.
    We had a wonderful, Blessed Christmas and hope you did too!

  14. Oh my that is WAy more snow than last year!! Look at all the snowmen waiting to be born;) We have a skiff and alot of mud! We had a wonderful Christmas though. I hope you did too. Happy New Year my snow bound friend!

  15. Wow, you certainly get the snow! I suppose that is fairly normal for your area. Here in UK we don't normally get huge amounts of snow but this year here in our part of Scotland we had a white Christmas but no snow fell that day but had quite a fall last night but thankfully no wind at all so no drifting although the village is at a standstill as it is on a hill and there have been no gritters seen here at all.

  16. Thanks for stopping by my blog Farmchick!
    WOW you guys got a LOT of snow too! Our 4 day winter storm finally quit yesterday. Whew! Now I can finally GO somewhere! Lol!
    Em @ MN Musings

  17. Oh BOY! you did get a lot. We get snow like that sometimes to and there is nothing to do but stay put!!

  18. Thanks for visiting my place - you have lots of snow too... Our snow was very sticky great for making snowthings - watch my place to see what we all made on Christmas Day -- stay warm and enjoy the snow while it is here --- I'll be stopping in more often--

  19. OMG,you did get a lot of snow.I'm kinda jealous. All we got in Florida was rain. Your pics are lovely. Denise

  20. Wow that is a lot of snow! Hope you enjoy it...

  21. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you. OMG! And I thought I had it bad with snow, good grief, I can't believe the snow on the porch! Yikes!

  22. We had snow too but nothing like that. Of course we don't know how to drive in it and our road crews don't know how to prepare for it.

    Stay warm.


  23. so no thanks on all that snow! sorry to read that your family couldn't make it for christmas... mine did and let me tell ya... too bad there wasn't any snow our way! ha ha {just kidding, it really wasn't that bad}. and once again i made your harvest bundt cake and it was delish as usual, so thank you for sharing such wondeful recipes! have a wonderful week!

  24. Wow! The snow pics are amazing. Last year we had a blizzard for Christmas. Glad it missed us this year but sorry to hear it interferred with your Christmas plans.

  25. That is a crazy amount of snow! Kansas had snow also, but nothing like that! Hope your Christmas was merry!


  26. Boy did you get walloped!!
    I hope you have been able to DIG out by now.
    We had a good Christmas and I hope that your late Christmas it just as good!

  27. Wow. I can't even imagine dealing with snow. I lived in New York for the first 17 years of my life and always remember loving the snowball fights and going sledding. But, I've lived in Florida for just over 20 years and my blood has definitely thinned out! Thanks for sharing the pictures! Brrr...think I need some hot chocolate!

  28. As your neighbor to the south I can say we spent our Christmas in the blizzard of 2009 as well. We did take the chance while it wasn't snowing Christmas eve night to head over to an uncle's house (a christmas eve tradition for 47 years now) to play guitars, have supper and hang out. We shut it down about 3 hours earlier than normal though, as we drove home in 0 to 1/3 of a mile visibility. Spent Christmas day feeding hay to the animals we could get at, and doing chores around the house. We have more Christmas festivities to be had when everyone gets themselves dug out! Glad y'all came through okay!

  29. Oh my, that does look like our part of the world last year.

    Hope that you get dug out soon.

    Happy New Year.


  30. Wowsers! You did get some snow! It snowed within 20 miles of my house but nothing here.

  31. We also had that Blizzard and have postponed our Christmas till this weekend.
    It also my youngest sons birthday so we celebrate everything in one day.
    I have a drift in my front yard and I can't even find my front deck.
    It blew and snowed from late Tuesday night till late Saturday afternoon.
    We got about 12" and 50 mph winds everyday.
    Can't wait for the new recipe.
    Thanks for sharing.
    I love the chair meter.LOL

  32. OMGosh!!! The mud you are going to have when it thaws...the water...oh my. We had our first white Christmas EVER this year....times are changing. Girl, we might have to find new might need to switch to Have a great new year!!!

  33. OMGosh!!! The mud you are going to have when it thaws...the water...oh my. We had our first white Christmas EVER this year....times are changing. Girl, we might have to find new might need to switch to Have a great new year!!!

  34. Wow... what fun! Looking at your snow pictures made me think of when I was a kid. I grew up in suburbs of Chicago, and I remember mom making Snow Icecream... mmmm memories! How pretty...we barely got enough to cover the ground.
    Happy New Year!

  35. What I wouldn't give to be there playing in the snow, then sitting by a fire drinking hot chocolate!

    Happy New year!!

  36. Oh that poor chair. I remember your post from last winter..but living where you do you just expect it and make the best of it!! I love to come look and see what you are cooking up and taking pictures of. Delish and beautiful as usual!!!


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