Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Just in the nick of time!

WOW! I can't believe it has been this long since I have posted. The good news....I AM BACK! We finished our sunflower harvest yesterday.....yes...just in the nick of time. This is what we have going on around here right now!

These pictures are of the grain bagger we used to expedite our sunflower harvest. Usually what we do when we are harvesting is dump the combines into a grain cart which then dumps into one of our semi trailers and then the trucks take the grain to store in grain bins....well....to speed up the process this year we dumped the combines into the graincart....which dumped into a bagger. Theses giant bags just lay in the field until you want to take the grain to the elevator. This process makes harvesting MUCH faster as you elimate the trucks and the trucking to the bin site. Each bag holds 10,000 bushels of sunflowers and they seal air tight so that the grain will not spoil!!

I need to work on orders from my website and finish decorating for Christmas. I will be visiting each and every one of you to see what I have missed! I have really missed knowing what you all have been up too!! I would love if you left me a comment and told me what you have been up too!



  1. Well, it's about time you finished and got back to the reeeeeallllly important things in life...like blogging, sugar!!!

  2. Wow...I can't believe the size of those bags! No wonder you've been so busy!

    While checking out blogs, be sure to hop over to mine...I'm having a giveaway!


  3. A couple weeks ago we picked up a load of sunflower seed in ND. There were about a million and a half trucks waiting there to dump their seeds. I was VERY glad we were picking up instead of delivering! Glad you got finished. I bet its a fine feeling to have the years harvest wrapped up, litteraly!

  4. WOW! No worries about mold or mildew in those bags? I've never seen anything like that in these parts....but then there are no sunflower growers nearby! I love your lessons from the farm!

  5. I am glad that you are down with the sunflowers. That is a big bag of sunflower seeds.
    Is that what you do with yours?
    Glad to have you back also. Miss Ya
    God bless.

  6. Sharon...Yes that is a big bag of sunflowers...when full it gets to be 250 feet! We have several in each field of sunflowers. We have not done this in the past but tried it due to the time crunch -- faster than trucking them. We can now truck the sunflowers to the elevator.

  7. Joni~no mold or mildew....the bags are airtight!! We will start hauling the sunflowers out of the bag to the elevator now that we are done with harvest. You can keep the grain in the bag for a year or so. :)

  8. Hey Farmchick! Thanks for visiting my blog! I got your comment, and yes I knew you were somewhere in the Dakotas, just couldn't remember which one.
    The blog you went to is one I do for a 2nd grade class in MN. I have another one that I do for anyone and everyone thats not so kidish. When you get time, check that one out too. Its mostly pictures and stories from trucking, but also stuff from when we are home in Montana too.
    Love your blog and can't wait to read more!

  9. Are these the same seeds I buy to feed my birds? The black oilers?
    They love 'em!

  10. What a wonderful idea.

    Been up to farm stuff like horse, bull and dog whispering.

  11. It's amazing to me what others harvest in other parts of the country, guess it makes the world go round! Come say hi :D

  12. Glad you're all finished and hope your crops did well. I love reading about the harvesting. Never been on a large farm, learning alot!

  13. Wow that is one heck of a bag of Sunflower seeds!!Lol My goats, chickens and rabbits would love that! They all get some.

  14. Yeahhhh for harvest being DONE! That is so interesting...the whole bagging concept! I would LOVE to see how the whole process takes place...and more about what the sunflowers are used for??? Oh, wait..is it made into Oil??? I need you to educate me on your life :D Life here is going right along....maybe I'll even get started on my Christmas things before the 24th..ha, ha...I missed you, and your sweet posts...so glad you are getting a chance to catch up! Sweet blessings!

  15. Tania, its always nice to hear from you. I'm glad the sunflower harvesting is over. I am always amazed at how much work farming really is. Those giant bags are awesome!
    We are doing okay and looking forward to Christmas, even though I'm not ready yet!
    I hope things will settle down a bit for you so you can do more than just work, work, work!
    Have a great week!

  16. Grain Bags are a great idea we put about 12,000 bushels of wheat in bags this year.

  17. YAY!! I'm so glad you finally finished! WHEW you have been busy busy!! Look forward to seeing more of you in bloggyland LOL!!

  18. Those bags are huge!

    Nice to see you back, hope all is well.

  19. Gee you sure have been working hard.
    I'm a city girl from Australia. I don't know if our farmers use those giant bags in their harvest but it looks like a great idea. Sunflowers are such a pretty crop and there are lots of them farmed west of Brisbane where I live.

  20. I've seen some of those lying around over here, but always wondered how you would get the grain into them - now I know - thanks very much!
    Bet you're breathing a sigh of relief that harvest is over. Our farmers have also finished harvest in time for summer (shows the difference between our two countries!)
    Have a great relax
    Renata :)

  21. Wow~ must be a good feeling to be done! :) Now you can look forward to the holidays. Can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve!

  22. Love how you turned the sunflowers into a beautiful wreath. That's a great idea and would look wonderful on a door. xxoo


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