Monday, November 16, 2009


I know....I know.....
my posts have been few
and VERY far between.

All I can say is

In this photo we are
combining our
last field of flax.

The good news...
we are movin' on
to harvest our

Please know I
appreciate all of
you who stop by and
I promise I will be
back to visiting you
all really soon!

I have some picture
and a few recipes to
share with you.....
now if only I could
find the time to post
them in a timely manner!

Pleace leave me a
comment and tell me
what is going on in
your little corner
of the world! :)

Be back soon....


  1. I definitely understand and there's no need to apologize. The crops come first! Speaking for myself, I love reading about your life on the farm and will always be back! (:

    My Dad farms too. He's been racing to get the hay out of the field and safely into the barn... then the new crop into the grown before snow flies. Ahhh, the life of a farmer! I LOVE it! (: Vicki

  2. I know harvest can be stressful and super busy, but I just love it! It gives me much satisfaction to see the finished product of so much work.

    In my corner of the world I am thinking about Thanksgiving dinner. I agreed to make mashed potatoes for 30+ guest at my mil's. That is a lot of potatoes... what was I thinking!

    Hope things settle down for you soon.

  3. Hi sweet friend...I know about farm work, I was raised on a farm! It never ends!! It has snowed here, I got so excited I put up my Christmas tree! Come say hi :D

  4. You do have a very long harvest...I pray that you find great bounty this year. Dianntha

  5. Glad to hear that you are getting the crops in.
    When you have time to blog I will be here waiting to read it.
    I am going to try and get things made to take for Thanksgiving dinner.
    My DIL wants to have it this year, so I said go for it.
    Have a safe rest of the harvest season.

  6. Totally understand. Why, I just dug up the last few of my potatoes a few days ago! And the farmer next door just harvested his soybeans.
    You will enter into your rest soon enough!

  7. We're smack bang in the middle of harvest around here as well. Completely understand how busy you are!
    Have fun & take care
    Renata :)

  8. We're smack bang in the middle of harvest around here as well. Completely understand how busy you are!
    Have fun & take care
    Renata :)

  9. We are gearing up for a busy season in our lives. In the course of the next four months, we will celebrate our wedding anniversary, all four birthdays, and Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day, and Valentine's Day. It's wild, but it's fun!

    Looking forward to your pics and your yummy recipes!


  10. I Love the photos of the combine from looks as though they are calling it a day and heading in :D I hope your harvest goes smoothly and you get some time to enjoy the season :D Don't feel alone on the, oh my, it's been FOREVER since I've posted too :D Life just has a way of happening!!! For us it's almost time to move our cows and do the Fall working :( I'm just hoping we get to it before the temps drop too low or snow finds it way here :D Have a GREAT rest of the week! Sweet blessings!

  11. just rain, rain, rain here so nothing much going on ...outside anyway. Take care and I'm looking forward to those recipes!

  12. You are SO missed!! I do however totally understand your lack of time!! Because I too have run short on time these days trying to get my retail shop open! Can't wait to hear what recipes you have for us!!

  13. A FarmChick's gotta do what a FarmChick's gotta do, right? We're here when you are, so no worries. Love the pictures of the combines and the fields. And all that blue sky. *sigh* Like heaven. xxoo

  14. We do miss you, but understand that farm work must be done on time. Take care and we will look forward to hearing form you when you can.

  15. No need to apologize, you silly. That is your life. That is what makes you our friend. All of your life every little thing. ((Hugs))

  16. Glad you are getting your harvesting in. I just had to drop by and tell you. I made your Cube Steak for my crew here in Arkansas while visiting and what a hit. My 3 yr old grandbaby ate 1 1/2 on kaiser rolls and talked about how good they were. So thank you for sharing your recipes with us! Can't wait for more pictures and of course those great recipes! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! ...nel

  17. Hey Chickie, I have an award for you. Please come by my blog and pick it up!

    Have a great Thanksgiving!!

  18. It is extremely interesting for me to read this article. Thanx for it. I like such topics and everything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more on that blog soon.

  19. STILL harvesting here too! What a trying year! We have only done about 1/5 of our corn acres....lots to do yet! Happy harvesting to you!

  20. Wishing you and yours a Blessed Thanksgiving...
    Happy harvesting...literally!! LOL

  21. Hope all is well and you had a blessed Thanksgiving!


Thank you so much for visiting me today! I enjoy having
guests around the farm! Come again!