Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What am I up too?.........

I will give you
three guesses!!

I hope this post finds you all happy and doing well. I know my posts seem to be few and far between. I have so many pictures and recipes to share with you all. We are still harvesting and have so many other things going on I just can't seem to squeeze a post in. I am going to try extra hard to post a little more frequently. I really miss hearing from you all and I really miss having the opportunity to visit your blogs. Please make my day by leaving me comment to tell me how you are doing and what you have been up too!



  1. Those sure are some nice tomatoes!

    We are "trying" to harvest around here too....if the rain would stop long enough to let us!

  2. I can imagine what you have been up to! I love canning and tomatoes are so easy.

    Have a great day!

  3. Making spaghetti sauce? I know you stay busy all the time, but it's a good thing. And we understand. Just post and visit when you can.
    Hope you have a great week!

  4. Yes, your recipes are something we all look forward too. But work comes first - and Harvest is a busy time of the year for you. It's been raining so our corn isn't done yet either - probably will be spring before it gets combined. Rainy, so I sew and have a mess inside.

  5. Trying to batten down the hatches, winter is around the corner. And I am not liking that at all!

  6. I understand the busyness we harvested beans yesterday and are trying to put our wheat in today before the rain. We got hay down and then it is on to harvesting corn. Have a great day. Rebekah

  7. Looks like work!!! Enjoy the harvest though. The bottles of canned goods look so good on the shelf. Have a great day. Julie

  8. I know how busy you are, i was raised on a big farm, but I'll be glad when winter comes and you can do some posting. I've been doing a little canning..walking everyday, making baby blankets, baking, planning a Halloween party for my grands..just enjoying this beautiful fall weather..hope you are too.
    Come say hi :D

  9. I wish we would've had more tomato juice canned. Now that we're in chili season, we could really use it!!

  10. What gorgeous tomatoes! We had a terrible tomato blight in our area this year. I planted numerous tomato plants, but only yielded a few tomatoes. I'm so glad you have had a good crop!

    How about salsa? Making any of that? It's a favorite of mine! :-)

  11. Apron sewing and soapmaking!
    Won't it be nice to have things slow down a bit? When the garden gets to put to bed around here, it is a real relief!

  12. Are you canning tomatoes? Making spaghetti sauce, tomatoe soup,stewed tomatoes..... I am enjoying my grandchildren. My son is deployed and my grands and Dil are here staying with us. have a blessed day!

  13. Look at all those tomatoes! You're gonna be busy with those beauties for awhile!

  14. Those tomatoes look fantastic - how many plants did you have to get such a yield? I imagine you've been busy canning these beauties!

  15. Beautiful tomatoes! Wouldn't mind some of those on my table. We know you are busy running the farm and taking care of your family, so post when you can. And we always enjoy the wonderful recipes you share. I've been eating VERY well because of you. :)

    Have started to crochet a little, but am mostly getting things together for when I take my vacation at the end of next month. That's my time to start wrapping for Christmas and to get my card list together. The job is going rough right now, but hoping things there will settle down soon. xxoo

  16. Those tomatoes look so pretty. MMM Salsa I put up about 24 pints back in July when I was in Arkansas. It was a beautiful day here, was cold and gloomy last week. I have to get out and get some pictures of the fall leaves before they are gone.

  17. Man you are always harvesting something!!! We miss you!! I hope you do find the time to post more frequently!! I really appreciate your comments on my "Memorial Wednesday" last week!

  18. We are just finishing up our tomatoes, in fact we still have one big batch ripening and then we'll have them all wrapped up. Our crop was bountiful this year, even if we ended up picking them while still green, they've ripened nicely.

    Soon we'll be working, fully, on our apple crop, but first we have some carrots to grate for the freezer, and can into pickled sticks, then there are 6 heads of cabbage waiting to be made into freezer slaw( we are going to can some, as a trial too) We figure by the time all of these get wrapped up, it will be about Thanksgiving and then we'll start in on getting our jams and jellies made( from fruit in the freezer), these we use as Christmas favors for family and friends. We enjoy a steady pace, idle hands are so boring*wink*

    Blessings to you and may your time be productive.

  19. That is a lot of nice tomatoes.
    We understand that you are busy so we will just wait to hear from you when you can.
    It is raining here and the corn harvest is not going well.
    It is suppose to snow this week also.What happened to FALL????
    Have a blessed day.

  20. Your tomatoes look great! Wish I had some. Looking forward for some of your new recipes.

    Irma :)

  21. OH sweet girl that looks like TOO Much work to me :D I know just how you feel about life spinning and not finding any time to be online ! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog...and YES! That was a "Farm girl" sweatshirt...it's my first piece of their clothing...and I'm in love :D Hope you get time to rest, relax & just "be" soon! Sweet blessings!

  22. Now you must tell me, everything you made with these.

    Hope all is well with you.

  23. Sounds like you've been goin from sun up to sun down! The Barn looks like alot of fun - encourage sister-in-law to put in a big heater!!!



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