Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Barn Craftshow!!

Shot of the people browsing around.
More shoppers!

My booth with my assistant Little Farmchick.

My wonderfully scented Corncob sachets.

More sachets.

Harvest Fixin's

Candy Corn Fixins

Gingerbread Fixin's

My Soy Chapstick
My Soy Candles
My Candle cupboard...I was still working
on making candles to get it filled up!
Well, the craftshow in the barn turned our awesome. It was a lot of fun. A little background about the barn craftshow. My sister-in-law (married to my farmer's brother) puts on this craftshow - for the last 4-5 falls. They bought the barn from my father - in -law a few years back. You see, when Mr. Farmer and I got married my brother-in-law and his family were already living in the same farm yard as my in-laws so we decided that we would live ACROSS the road from them. We had to start from scratch and make our own yard--at the time it was just a field. It has taken awhile to get from field to yard with a house and shop but we are getting there! Anyway, it was 32 degrees the day of the show---but that didn't stop the people from coming! We had over one thousand people show up. The people that get cold are the vendors (like me) but I had a propane heater this year and let me tell you--it was a life saver! Because of this heater I was able to enjoy chatting with people -- otherwise I would have been cold and miserable after sitting in the freezing temps for that long. Not only did I have a good time visiting with people I also sold a lot of stuff....so I am happy! The scents of the candles I made for the show are my biggest fall sellers: Hot Apple Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Home for the Holidays, Candy Corn, Sugar Cookie, Harvest Spice, Pears & Berries, Black Cherry, Black Raspberry Vanilla and Spiced Cranberry. If you see anything you like-let me know....I may be having a fall online soon! :) Hope you have a great day and make sure you leave me a message too! You know how I love that! :)



  1. I am glad to hear that your show went well.
    I am also glad to hear that you had some heat.
    Thanks for sharing.
    God Bless

  2. I just love this time of year when there are craft fairs all over! I'm so glad you had a successful day!

  3. That looked like a very cool craft show! Congrats on doing so well!

  4. Glad that it was a success... even if it was cold! Those scents sound wonderful.

    Have a great day!

  5. What a fun thing and to hold it in a big old barn..very neat! Women love to shop at these kinds of things and the homemade goods are treasures for sure! You are an ambitious lady to make your own candles..they sound/smell wonderful!
    Come say hi :D

  6. A fun time! I need to try your soy candles-hear they are better to burn. Love fall craft shows!

  7. I can almost smell those candles from here. They sound delicious.
    There is a family that holds a barn craft sale a stones throw from me. I think she has three per year. I should ask her if she would like to add to her merchandise. Maybe rent out a space.....hmmmmm. I'll have to get over there.

  8. wow..that sounds like a lot of fun....One thing I like about fall is the craft shows.

  9. Never seen a barn that clean! Sounds like great fun and always love making money.

    Going to check out your site. I don't know any thing about soy candles. But may be interested in one or two.

  10. I'm glad I was able to be part of it!! Love the barn craft show!!

  11. I am glad it went well and you stayed warm.

    I could smell the candles!

  12. looks like a fun show. You booth looks great. wish I could smell all those candles.. the candy corn sounds good and the cookie one!
    glad it went well for you. I would not have been able to stand the cold with out the heater.. I bet others were wishing that had brought on too!
    have a great night!

  13. Tis the season for all the Fall & Christmas craft shows. What better way to spend the weekend. Glad it went well for you.

  14. I wish I could have been there! It looks like so much fun. How much do you sell your candles for? I'm a sucker for the sugar cookie type scents!

  15. That is awesome!! I wish I was there!! You should have a blog Fall sale!! What fun!

  16. Great pictures, would love to have an event like that by us. Craft shows here are few and far now.

    Happy to hear you did well.

  17. looks like lots of cute and good smelling stuff. glad it was a success!

  18. I love craft shows too, sadly though there isn't that many good ones around me:( yours looked like it would be so much fun, glad you sold and had a heater:)

  19. I love craft shows and the fact that this one was held in a barn in a double plus! I would have spent the whole day walking and looking. Your booth looked spectacular and it's nice that you had your assistant, Little Farmchick, with you. Adored your display cabinet too. Glad it was a good day for you both. xxoo

  20. Looks like tons of fun!! Your booth looked awesome!

  21. How Fun! Wish it wasn't so far away...I would have loved to come and shop! So glad you were warm this year...it's miserable to be cold...your stuff looks sooo neat! Thanks for sharing the pics!

  22. Gosh, if I lived closer I sure would have went to this. What a great story behind it too!! Looks like a great place for a craft show!!

  23. Wow! Looks like a lot of fun. Your booth looks fabulous. Glad to hear you did well and were able to stay warm.

    Irma :)

  24. My goodness, you've been busy! I'm glad your craft show went well.

    I love candles....wish I could smell them! :-)

  25. OH THANK YOU so much for posting this post! I LOVED the pictures...and that totally looked like a place I would of LOVE to spend a Saturday afternoon! Your display was awesome...and it makes me want to head over to your online store and order some more :D Plus, I loved the picture of the loose potpourri mixes...do you sell that too??? And, that Barn...how perfect! I hope you get to have a SPRING Barn Fling too :D Why oh, why can't we just be neighbors...oh, wait I know...the weather in your neck of the woods would totally make me whine :D Praying this post brings LOTS of candle making your way!!! Sweet blessings!


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