Saturday, June 6, 2009

Have a SWEET weekend everyone!

I hope this post finds everyone in good spirits!
Things here on the farm are busy. We are
still seeding so it is just a race against time.
Our weather is not too great right now.
We have had frost advisories and
even snow predicted in the north-
western part of our state! EEK!

Right now it is clouding up and
we are expecting some rain.
I had intended to post the recipe
for this really yummy


but I have just been summoned
to the field so I guess you will
have to wait! ;) If you really
want to get the recipe you will
have to come back soon!

This cake is so moist and has
several layers of chocolate chips
that melt to perfection! :)
It travels well to the field and
is kid tested & farmer approved!!!!
Have a sweet weekend everyone!

If you stop by be sure to leave
me a comment. I really love
hearing from each and every
one of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. It looks delicious and I love the sunflower! Have a great weekend.

  2. Springtime and harvest are such a busy time for everyone...hope to see you soon!

  3. That cake looks yummy, Tania! When you post the recipe, I can make one in my new Wilton bundt pan! I hope the weather cooperates so you guys can finish planting! I will have to come visit you one day... North Dakota sounds so beautiful!

  4. Cake looks yummy!!! Sorry to hear snow in June though...yikes!!!

  5. I definitely want the recipe so I'll be back!

  6. Hope you get everything done before the frost hits. You can send it here if you want. It's already getting too warm but we've got lots of rain.

    Mmmm! Your recipes never fail to impress me. No wonder your family loves what you make. xxoo

  7. Yum, yum, yum! That looks deeelicious! I hope you get back from the field soon so you can post the recipe. :-)

  8. I would love to make this cake--we always have over-ripe bananas. I will be back. Julie

  9. Mmmmmmm.....I want that to eat right now....why, oh, why did you have to get summoned to the field :D??? Praying your weather clears up..and things can get going right :D May this weekend be filled with some great family moments, warm smiles, and LOTS of Sweet blessings!

  10. Anything chocolate and bananas sounds great. Can't wait for recipe!!!
    Kim in OK

  11. Reading your post makes a gal realize that not every little gal can truly be a REAL Farm Chick. You, Farm Chick stay incredibly busy. The cake sounds and looks yummy. Will have to come back for that recipe:-)

  12. That cake looks wonderful! Visiting from Sweet Blessings Blog...I am also A farmers wife and MOST of the time I love it!
    I will have to keep checking your posts! :)

  13. Hello - This is BellaDella's mom.
    I don't have a blog yet, but I do stop by often. I enjoy your blog and by the way...I LOVE SNOW!!!
    The cake looks yummy. Can't wait for the recipe.

    Hope you are having a great weekend.


  14. That looks yummmmmyyy!! Hope the weather is looking up for you!

  15. cake looks yummy! have fun in the fields!!

  16. Oh you tease! I wanted that recipe because it looks perfect for big gathering of family. You are forgiven though - and I'd come back even if you didn't tempt me so!!

    hugs, Linda

  17. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment. You never know who makes their way to your blog or how you might {connect} ... but it's fun to stop and see farm life for someone else!

    Looks like you keep busy and enjoy the ride along the way :)

    I'd love the recipe for that cake as I have bananas and chocolate chips on my counter right now :)

    Have a BEAUTIFUL Sunday & may you see God in all you do!

  18. Wow, snow?! We are actually having a cool spell...temps in the 70's at night and upper 80's in the daytime. Really gorgeous here! Of course, you'll be laughing when the 'heat' hits. Good luck with getting all that planting done in time.

  19. The cake looks amazing! Snow and frost? Eek!

  20. I'll be back to get this yummy recipe...seems like a good one to take to the docks for our picnics:)
    Have a good day!

  21. Spring planting....stressful! Did you get the rain? We had frost warnings here too but so far have escaped a frost. We did get a nice rain yesterday (nice for us cause our planting is all done)but oh so cold.

  22. OH I should have known when I seen that yummy picture I'd have to wait LOL!!! Looks and sounds delicious!! Isn't the weather this year just strange...I hope you get that seeding done!! I'll be watching for the recipe :~)

  23. My Grandpa spent more hours in the field than anywhere else in his life. I know it was difficult for Grandma. They had 8 kids and she was left to care for everything are the homestead. I also know she wouldn't have changed a thing about her life. All of us kids loved to be there. She always made time for each of us and cooked like a great chef. There was always plenty of food for everyone. I sure do miss those days. It is good/ great for kids. Your kids will have such wonderful memories of this life!

  24. Hurry Hurry Hurry with that recipe! LOL

  25. I love finding new blogs from another blog I love. Can't wait to check back to get the recipe. I have a recipe for chocolate chip banana cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. I wonder if they won't taste somewhat similar.

  26. The cake looks great! I hope the weather cooperates so you can get seed in the ground.

  27. Yummy...jumpin' on my tractor and headin' on over...

    Chuckled looking at your planting pics, that is exactly what has been going on in my neck of the woods for the past two weeks. Most everybody has their fields planted now.

    We are not planting anything but garden, but goodness golly are we doin' the mowin'!

    Enjoyed my visit!
    At Home in the Country
    in Hickory Hollow

  28. Looks like you have big machinery there! How many acres do you farm there?
    I'm glad I visited.

  29. That does look delicious!
    Take your time, get it all done, but I'll be waiting for this recipe. tee hee

  30. The farmers here are having troubles seeding. It's too dry, we are still getting frost, and we got snow this weekend. I hope the weather smartens up for them soon!

  31. That looks yummy, the sunflower is a crack-up on the cake :) Cute idea!

  32. Wow, that looks wonderful! You have the best recipes!


  33. There is something magical and yummy with a bundt cake!


Thank you so much for visiting me today! I enjoy having
guests around the farm! Come again!