Saturday, May 30, 2009

A whole lot of seeding going on..........

Hello everyone~Sorry I have been gone again but we have finally been getting some FARMING done! After a slow to warm up spring, lots of melting and then some rain-- we were off to a slow start but we are speeding up now! :) We are SEEDING wheat, corn, flax, sunflowers and alfalfa.I have been doing a lot of running around for parts, taking things to the field, giving Mr. Farmer a ride and of course cooking meals!

Our kids are finally out of school so it is good to have them all home now. When I am not doing all the things I just mentioned then you can find the kids and myself out in our yard. I have been trying to get flowerbeds in shape and some flowers planted too. My garden has only been in for seven days but I dug around a bit and found that the seeds are if the weather stays warm I should have some things up and out of the ground soon!Thanks to all of you that have stopped by even though I have not been able to visit you. I will be visiting soon! :) I wish you all a sunny, happy weekend! I would love to hear from you...tell me what YOU are doing this weekend! :)



  1. Hey there Famerchick!! Good to see you back. Sounds like you have been busy...hope you have a great weekend!

    Hugs!! Carrie♥

  2. Good to see you around FarmChick! I can't wait to see pictures of your sunflowers...they are my favorite!

  3. I love farm life; sounds like you are having fun as well!

  4. Good to hear that you've been able to get some farming and planting done. Missed you lots! Hope you're not overdoing it though. That was my downfall with the office move, but I'm getting better now. Got lots of laundry to do and it's raining. Wasn't supposed to, but I'll deal with it. Hope you have a great weekend. xxoo

  5. Good to hear that you've been able to get some farming and planting done. Missed you lots! Hope you're not overdoing it though. That was my downfall with the office move, but I'm getting better now. Got lots of laundry to do and it's raining. Wasn't supposed to, but I'll deal with it. Hope you have a great weekend. xxoo

  6. Good to hear that you've been able to get some farming and planting done. Missed you lots! Hope you're not overdoing it though. That was my downfall with the office move, but I'm getting better now. Got lots of laundry to do and it's raining. Wasn't supposed to, but I'll deal with it. Hope you have a great weekend. xxoo

  7. you planting wheat this time of the year ?

  8. enjoy all that wonderful farming life! we'll be here when you get to us!

  9. I can't wait to see the sunflowers should dry and sell them they are a great prim decoration:)

    It's cloudy here this Sunday morning in Pa. but we will be down on the docks this afternoon.
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  10. That looks like the planting going on around here too. But our crops are corn and beans...the wheat is doing well with all the rain...have a wonderful day. Dianntha

  11. Wow! I knew you said you were farmers. I guess, I didn't realize as to what scale. I know it's a hard life but it is something I would love to be doing. So would my Captain.
    What I've been up to....
    well, small scale farmin'. Planting is already done. Weeding, digging, mulching.....
    So much to do, so little time.
    But I love it.

  12. It looks like a lot of hard work is going on there. I hope the weather cooperates so you can get all caught up!!

    hugs, Linda

  13. Thanks for stopping by my blog....I know you've been very busy. I see now what you've been up to! Maybe you could nap today! ;o)


  14. All the running around you've been doing reminds me of the things my mom and I used to do when I was a teenager. We were the "runners"! We also picked up parts, drove the trucks from field to field and took lunch to my dad and the other guys.

    It's a good, busy life - I miss it!


  15. Grow, seeds, grow! I had to have Billy explain why you guys are planting when we are harvesting. The weather, right? I can't wait to see all the goodies your garden produces! I bet you are glad to have all your kids home with you!

  16. Yup, sounds like a typical day on the farm.... "go-fer" this and "go-fer" that.

    We've had a busy weekend. We hosted our Sunday School class here for a cookout today, so we've been doing yardwork & cleaning this week.

    It was a great afternoon and now I have a clean house, a clean yard and leftovers in the freezer! :oD

  17. I am impressed with the big tractors and all you are working on. Wow! And I thought two tomatoe plants and a few rows of green beans was big - but of course for a city girl I guess it is. Enjoy the sun! Judi

  18. found your blog through the sweet blessing blog. your blog {boy, how many times can i use the word blog???} is beautiful and pretty funny too. i'll have to add it to my favorite and make it a daily reader! thanks for sharing your life and thoughts with those of us. have a wonderful day and upcoming week!

  19. Well you definitely have been busy!!! I'm glad you could pop in for a minute and let us know how things are going!!! We have been busy as well!!! Some of the many things we are doing are softball, rodeo, just finished DD's dance and gymnastics this weekend with the big year end recital!! Lots of fun and definitely keeping busy!!

  20. Ah, the farm life. Of course, I was raised on air bases; so, I know nothing about the farm life. You make it sound fun, interesting and exhausting, at times. Good luck with all that gardening..way too hot here for gardens.

  21. I've noticed that almost all the farm blogs start posting a little less... there's just too much to do!!!

  22. Hello Friend - Garden time here too! Thought it would never dry out and now I wonder if the garden will ever grow - seems so late!

    Our waving wheat is turning sweet! Then we're turning the wheat fields to brome hay. Something to be done all the time!

  23. This is my first time visiting. Wow, it looks like you have quite a farm here! Hope you get a good harvest this year :)

  24. Looks like a lot of work--I remember seeing your sunflowers last fall and I loved them. Hope you have a nice day. Julie

  25. So glad to hear that you are getting your crops planted! It has been a crazy spring, hopefully it straightens out and we have a good growing season. Stay safe!

  26. So glad the weather has turned around and "life on the farm" is in full gear now :D I LOVE how you captured your John Deere and farmer man hard at work! Praying you get to enjoy some great family fun-filled moments before the farming gets REALLY busy :D Sweet blessings!

  27. It looks and sounds like a very busy time for your family! I loved all the farm pics! We enjoy seeing the tractors in the fields behind our house!


  28. hello sweet farm chick....thank you for always swingin in to check on this kitten...i love your blog you know it...and honey i feel like we are ol' friends...blessings on the bounty of the harvest...huggs cat

  29. I'm sure this is a busy time for you. Cant wait to see what comes from your garden.

    Take care!

  30. Love to see the big machinery! Do you ever get to drive them? I would love to try!

  31. Hey Farmchick!! Visiting your blog is almost like going home!! My brother just finished planting all the corn. We just deal with triticale, corn, hay and oats. Thanks for visiting me....we'll have to have a cup of coffee together one of these days!!

  32. A farmers work is never done! (or a mothers...or a your busy!)

  33. We seem to have a lot of similarities!! :) School is finally out, crops are in, and we just started cutting hay. Oh, and I now follow your blog. :)

  34. It is so strange to see DUST flying....after all that water/snow. We just finished up planting wheat...wooohooo. It has been almost 2 years since we've been able to get a crop. I am glad to see you are getting your planting done!!

  35. Great photos!!! Glad y'all were able to get some farm work done.


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