Saturday, May 16, 2009

a quick sandwich recipe for you....just like you would get in a restaurant!!

Hello all~

Well, I thought I would be back to reading and blogging more often again but life just seems to be getting busier for us! I decided that I was going to get this recipe posted though so here it is! This sandwich makes a great Saturday noon meal for your family! I hope you enjoy it! You don't need to go out to eat to enjoy a fancy can make it in your own kitchen! We are busy mowing our yard, working in the house and Mr. Farmer is hoping to get out in the field (after a very long wait while the fields dry) to plant some corn. I hope you will still stop by and leave me comment even if I have not been to visit you lately...I promise...I WILL BE BACK!

1 medium onion, sliced
1 medium green pepper, sliced
1/2 pound fresh mushrooms, sliced
2 to 3 garlic cloves, minced
2 tablespoons canola oil
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
8 slices sourdough bread
16 slices Monterey Jack or Swiss cheese, divided
8 slices deli roast beef
1/2 cup butter, softened
Garlic salt, optional

Directions: In a large skillet, saute the onion, green pepper, mushrooms and garlic in oil until tender; sprinkle with salt and pepper. On four slices of bread, layer two slices of cheese, two slices of beef and a fourth of the vegetable mixture. Top with the remaining cheese and bread. Butter outside of bread; sprinkle with garlic salt if desired. On a hot griddle or large skillet, toast sandwiches for 3-4 minutes on each side or until golden.

So that's it folks! I hope you will make these sandwiches to enjoy with your family.

Grilled Roast Beef Sandwiches

it's what's for dinner


Farmchick's Kitchen


Have a great weekend everyone. Tell me....what are you doing this weekend??



  1. yummy!! now I think I need to eat again!

  2. Ooh, those look delicious! And, we just happen to have some roast beef on hand. Gotta get the green peppers and cheese, though. I'm headed to the store!

  3. I will be trying that recipe...looks like something that my dh would love...thanks for sharing. Dianntha

  4. I still can't figure out why you aren't fat....I gain at LEAST 10 lbs. just reading your blog!!

    No special plans for me this weekend...just getting some projects finished and hanging out!

  5. Yum! Those sandwiches look DELICIOUS! I hope it dries up soon, too. We were house hunting yesterday and saw at least three tractors stuck in the mud! I hope you can visit me soon, but don't worry, I won't abandon you! :)


  6. Wow - roast beef is my favorite. Those look just awesome!

    I understand all about being busy. We've had TONS of rain lately and our outdoor projects are piling up!


  7. I'm drooling! That looks wonderful. :o)

    I have been busy writing a blessing letter for our son. We are having a Senior Banquet at our church tomorrow for all of the high school graduates. Part of the agenda is a time when the parents of those seniors present them with a framed letter of blessing. Each letter is read aloud. It's a very powerful, moving time. Sooo...that's what I've been doing! :o)

  8. Love the recipe. I will have to make this also. I made Lil Farmchick's pasta and it was delish.

    Hugs :)


  9. I love your recipes and the pics you put on the post with the directions.
    This is another "must try" recipe. Thanks for all and good luck with your many projects.

  10. YUMMEEEE, that's my kinda sandwich!! The older I get the more I love onions and peppers! Oh, and you cannot go wrong with garlic!!

    Just to let you know, I've been by I've just been so lazy lately. I've gotten hung up playing Mafia on facebook, I don't take the time to write on blogger. I'm trying to renew myself though. I'm terrible at that mafia game!!

    We have had tons of rain here in Missouri. It was almost cold today, but at least it was sunny. Is school out for you guys yet?

  11. YUM---I just printed the recipe--thanks. Julie

  12. Umm Yummy!!! I was hoping when I got here today you'd have some good food for us! Thanks for that!!! Glad you were at least able to pop in!! Good luck with that busy schedule! We'll be here waiting LOL!!

  13. looks soooooo good.....
    thanx for stopping by!

  14. Oh Yum! And I have some roast beef on hand too. I'm gonna make this right away. Still trying to get myself well and this, with soup, will just fit in nicely. Your recipes are nourishment for the body and the soul. Simple and elegant all at the same time. Thanks for always making me feel better. xxoo

  15. YUMMO! Sounds like another winner- you always have my kind of recipes!

    Sounds like you are busy as we have been Behind My Red Door. So much we are trying to finish so the biggest warm weather chores are done before sweet Liliana arrives. And I managed to fit in
    some fun with friends too. That all means less time online.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and your kind words. And enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

    hugs, Linda

  16. Yep, I agree with Linda, you always have the best recipes:) Stush would love this one and it's a great idea for Saturday evening:) We have been busy around the house too plus Michael came home this weekend plus I did a yardsale thingy I'm exhausted:)

  17. That looks delicious. I'll definitely be trying this one.

  18. MM...MM...Good.

    I am going to try these sandwiches...I LOVE roast beef.

  19. Yum looks delicious! I wish you were my neighbor :-)

  20. Yumm! Those DO look good!

    I know what you mean about being busy! It seems like there's always something that needs to be done!! Gotta love summer! :)

  21. Live is crazy around here as well. Isn't it nice though, to be dried out - almost!

    Love the recipes!

  22. I haven't made roast beef sandwiches in a long time. I just might have to make a roast to have leftovers!

  23. Hello sweet girl..Thanks for sharing the great recipe...My MR. will absolutely LOVE it...anything with Beef makes him happy!!! I'm glad it's finally starting to dry out for my weekend plans....I'll be spending it at the farmer's can it be that time again already??? :D May your weekend be filled with some time to just "be" in the midst of the busy-ness :D Sweet blessings!


Thank you so much for visiting me today! I enjoy having
guests around the farm! Come again!