Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A word from Emma!

Hi's me, Emma, you know, Emma the calf! I am just laying here in the nice hay that the farmer threw out for me. I am really enjoying the sunshine! I have been keeping an eye on those three strangers that the farmer brought in awhile back. I have tried talking to them but they seem a little standoffish!

I think they will come around though....I am pretty sure they are just intimidated by my CUTENESS!

Me and the farmer's wife hope you have a happy, sunny day!!

PS...leave a comment if you stop by okay? I know that really makes the farmer's wife happy! ;)


  1. I think calfs are the cutest!

    I am enjoying a happy sunny day, and hope you are too!

  2. So cute. My neighbor has cows that I like to pretend are mine, but this year he is keeping them in the back pasture where I can't see them. I hear them though and their "conversations" crack me up.

    Hope you are having a great week.

  3. Cute post, Farmchick!
    And cute critters, too!

  4. Yeehaw, chickee!! LOL

  5. Emma, you are so cute! I can see why you try to strike up a chat with those three standoffish strangers! They look pretty interested in you! LOL

    Hi Farmchick, I love your blog! I envy you living on a farm. My family have been farmers for generations too... that is until they sent my Dad off to college. He got a business degree and moved away from the farm... which didn't go over well with my grandpa, I can say... but, somehow those generations of farm genes found their way into me, and though I can't "farm," I do garden. I follow your blog, as well as a number of other farmchicks. Also, Mary Jane has been an encouragement to many wanna-be farmchicks like me. (:
    I love your recipes!

  6. Vicki--thanks for the comment. It's nice to have new people commenting..though I do love my regular commentors!!! :) My Dad and also my husband went to college and earned degrees but always knew that they had to farm...when it's in your blood you can't fight it! Since farming is in yoour blood it sure is great you can garden!! Thanks for stopping by.

  7. I love the sheep...have a good day. Dianntha

  8. That was totally cute and made me laugh. Meant to tell you that I adore your new header picture, especially the tag on the side. Good to hear from you. xxoo

  9. Hi Emma, Did your human pet teach you to type? Wish our human pet that nice. She's really scarey.
    The Cows of the Diamond T

  10. Thats one cute calf!!Thanks for sharing pics of the farm with us!!

  11. What a gorgeous heifer! How is it going with Jr. Farmer's show cattle?

  12. Emma, Emma, are just too cute! Hope the 'new guys/gals' give you a chance to socialize!

  13. Love your farm pictures--it brings back such great memories of my childhood. Have a great day. Julie

  14. ahhh.. the farm life! full of such sweetness!
    You arent going to be cooking up any recipes out of the sweet calf someday though are you?
    He is so awfully adorable! love the little lambies too!
    have a great evening!

  15. I tried to stop by earlier but my computer froze...arrrghghh.

    We don't have lambs anymore....sorry to say I do NOT miss them. I'll take the goats any day!!! I like their curiosity.

    Have a great evening!!!

  16. Keep persevering Emma, you'll make friends with that beautiful face alone!!!

  17. Emma is just toooo cute and soo are the 3 amigos.

    Hugs :)


  18. Hi Emma,
    It's almost Friday! Yippee, 3-day weekend!
    ~Pony Girl

  19. Oh, he is cute:)
    Have a wonderful day!

  20. awwww...theyre all so cute!..i visited my sis yesterday and got a glimpse of all the new calves down the road...they were too cute..i wanted to cownap one :-)

  21. Emma is a sweetie! She reminds me of the farm when I was a little.


  22. I enjoyed your photos today again.
    It was so cute the way you did it.
    Emma is a little cutie.
    I love watching the neighbors new calves.
    Have a great weekend
    God bless

  23. Oh Emma---you just keep talking to those three little lambs. I am sure they are just a little shy and once they get to know you, you'll all be chit chattin' away in the barn!

    Hey Farmchick--Adorable post! Emma is just too darn cute! So are those 3 lambs! Love your site! And thanks for always sharing those yummy recipes!

    Have a great day!

  24. Emma is a little sweetheart, and so are the tree amigos!!

  25. Love calf's!!! They are so cute!! And so sweet!!

  26. Say THANKS for dropping by my blog! May I ask where you are located? Since you raise wheat and sunflowers and am thinking somewhere close to Nebraska and or Kansas.


  27. Awww....Emma is so cute! I love the pictures of all of the animals.

    Hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend!

  28. I LOVE Emma...I so wish she was living at my house! I hope she's a keeper! I always name my heifer's hoping they'll be keepers :D So, happy the sun is shining down on you and your farm! Sweet blessings!

  29. I love-love-love calves and your Emma is a beauty; such nice markings. I know I could never eat a calf/cow that I had named and become friends with. But I love beef. It would be so difficult.
    Hope th eweather improves so you can get your garden in. We planted some of those Topsy Turvys in addition to our garden. Hope they work like advertised. So far, they are way ahead of the garden.
    Also love the sandwiches you put the recipe on for. My husband thinks they are the be all- end all. Thanks for sharing.

  30. Love reading your animals thoughts...


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