Friday, May 8, 2009

Lil Farmchick's Recipe

I had a few minutes so I thought I would share with you the recipe I told you about in my last post. Lil Farmchick found a recipe in one of her magazines that she just had to try. She had me pick up the items at the grocery store and then she made it all by herself! I didn't know what to do with myself while she was preparing the meal!


1 pound uncooked penne pasta
6 tbsp. olive oil
1 pint grape tomatoes, halved
2 tbsp. minced garlic
1 cup skim mozzarella cubes
3 cups bagged baby spinich

Cook pasta according to package directions. Ladle out 1 cup of the boiled water and set it aside, then strain pasta. In medium skillet, warm the oil. Add tomatoes and garlic and saute over medium heat until soft (about 15 minutes). Add the cheese, spinich and pasta water. Remove from heat. Toss with pasta, then cover with a lid until cheese melts!
Serve with a nice grilled juicy steak or chicken breast! ENJOY--It's yummy!!!!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.....make sure you say hi so I know you were here to visit!
Happy Mother's Day to all of you lovely Moms!! :)



  1. Thank you Farmchick for posting the recipe and thank you Lil Farmchick for finding it. This looks like something I would enjoy with all the fresh spinach and tomatoes. Yum! I can almost taste it already. Thanks so much for sharing with us.

    Happy Mother's Day my sweet friend. xxoo

  2. Hello,

    I am visiting by the way of my daughter's blog (BellaDella). I hope to have my own blog soon, but for now I am a lurker.

    Thank you both for sharing this awesome looking recipe with us. Lil Farmchick, from the looks of the picture, you did an awesome job. I love anything made with matter the shape or size.

    I enjoy you blog very much.

    Have A Wonderful Mother's Day!!!!

  3. Happy Mother's Day to you , too. Have a wonderful day. Julie

  4. Happy Mother's Day to you , too. Have a wonderful day. Julie

  5. Sounds delicious! I don't care for cooked spinach (too slimy for me), but this I would definitely like!

    I'm so glad you are posting again...I've missed you!

  6. I'm so smiling that your little farm chick wants to follow in your footsteps and cook something yummy up too! Sounds perfect to go with our homegrown beef! That's what we sell at the Farmer's markets...our homegrown beef! (Thanks for your sweet comments on my post always bring a smile to my day!) Praying you have a great Mother's Day...filled with many, many Sweet blessings!

  7. Hey thanks for stopping by!! This looks so yummy!!! I wonder if I could convince my family to get over the greens and red LOL!!

  8. Another delicious-sounding and delicious-looking recipe! Good for the Lil Farmchick...learning to cook at an early age would have been a good idea for me. The first year Jack and I were married, I cooked...we each lost 10 pounds...not a good thing then. I haven't done much cooking since..haha.

  9. so lil farmchick is like her momma! that looks really good. And, Im hungry right now. didnt make dinner after having a rather large burger for lunch! but now.. I'm hungry.. think I'm going to have popcorn!
    And I will definitely be trying lil farmchicks recipe!
    have wonderful Mothers day!!

  10. Looks yummy, you have a great helper there. She will be whipping out great meals right along side you before you know it!!!
    Have a great Mother's Day!!

  11. Thanks Lil Farm Chick! It looks delicious. But there is no way my Captain will even attempt to eat it. I will have to save this one just for me.
    Happy Mother's Day, Farm Chick!!

  12. MMMM! Hope you had a great mothers day!

  13. Looks great! I bet the leftovers would make a great lunch.

    Hope your Mother's Day was great!

  14. Looks great! Hope you had a very Happy Mother's Day!


  15. I'm so glad I stopped by today. This looks delish..I think I will give it a try tomorrow. Thanks lil' farmchick..;p

  16. Wow... that sounds dee-lish!

  17. This made me hungry. Lil Farm Chick picked a good recipe. I will definetly have to try this. Hope to see more of her recipes.

    Hugs :)


  18. Well, Tell your DD that looks divine! In fact I shared the recipe with all the girls at work today...looks like we'll all be trying it!!!!

    Have a wonderful and blessed week.

  19. Looks great! Thanks for your sweet comment! I am glad to be back and blogging!

  20. That looks so delicious and light for summer. Can't wait to try it. Love you blog too, super cute!

  21. Another great recipe, thank you. Hope all is well with everyone.

  22. Happy Be-lated Mother's Day!! That looks delicious, I can't wait to try it!!

  23. Ok honestly I didn't even read this post..yet.. I wanted to say how Gorgeous you look! WOW look at you?! I love your new profile photo. Girly you have it goin on. Ok now I gotta go read about the noodles.he he


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