Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving and some family favorites.

Hello to you from me. My neck of the woods has been very COLD lately. This afternoon it is only around 0 degrees. Brrrrrr......I was not quite ready for fridgid temperatures. Though, zero seems warm when we start getting into the far negatives!

Thank you to all who did participate in my swap. I was hoping for a few more entries but I was told that it takes awhile for these things to take off. Be thinking of a recipe, craft idea, family tradition or decorating idea you can share on Friday for my Have a Holly Jolly Christmas Recipe Swap. It is very simple to do. If you would like to read more about it click here. I hope those of you that joined in last week will do so again and those of you that didn't....please DO join it. I know many of you out there have great ideas...so let's hear them! :) PRETTY PLEASE.

Things have been hectic here....and cluttered. I say cluttered because Monday and Tuesday I had the carpet layers here at my house...putting new carpet in our entire upstairs except for our kitchen and dining room. Soooo, we moved some things downstairs otherwise we have most everything on our wood floor. We have had to do some moving around as they got each room done. My house looks like something blew up in it....but the carpet sure is beautiful. :) I am now slowly getting things back to where they belong.

I have many holiday must-haves on my list to make. Starting with these two items.

From scratch Crescent Rolls and

Ukrainian vareniki.

Of course, I have many other dishes that I need to make...but I am starting with these two favorites. Both of these pictures show the product before they are cooked. :)

What is your MUST have dish or dishes for Thanksgiving. I would love for you to leave me a comment and tell me all about it.

I hope you join me on Friday for my Have a Holly Jolly Recipe Swap. Happy Thanksgiving to you all. I hope your day is filled with family, fun and thankfullness.


  1. A must in our house for Thanksgiving is cornbread dressing and white giblet gravy. I grew up down South, so love the southern style of food for the holidays. Hope your family stays warm, enjoys the new carpet and has a great Thanksgiving.

  2. Oh, I am so glad for you that you got new carpet! That will be so nice. Have a great Thanksgiving..we will be gone for a few days. It's very cold here too but I don't mind..loving the holidays :D

  3. So sorry I didn't post last Friday. We were out of town. I do plan on joining in this week. I have lots of things I'll be making ; )

  4. It's warmer here than it should be for this time of year. Many people are coming down with colds already, especially the younger ones.

    Mashed potatoes and gravy are my all time favorite things about Thanksgiving. Our Mom used to make it from the giblets and it was to die for.

    Sorry to hear you have to move everything, but yay for you with the new carpet. I'll bet it's beautiful.

    Happy Thanksgiving, sweet friend. xxoo

  5. Can't do without the cornbread dressing. This year we are having a smoked tenderloin and I am looking forward to that.

  6. It wouldn't be Thanksgiving with my leftover turkey sandwich. I almost look forward to that more then the actual meal. I know... weird!

    I won't be able to participate in your swap this week, but will try for the following week. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. mmmm yummy looks increadable. Have a warm day !

  8. hope to participate in the recipe swap again this week.
    My favorite thanksgiving dish has to be stuffing, but our dinner was over long ago and am wishing we were having turkey again this week, but Im not making it!

  9. Yum! Those look REALLY good!
    God bless :-)

    Julia (in New Zealand)

  10. Those crescents look just scrumptious!! I will definitely be participating!! Just been SO busy!!

  11. Happy Thanksgiving!
    I plan to join the swap...broken record..."been so busy" :)

    Those rolls look heavenly...
    How exciting to get new carpet! But how crazy to have to cram everything where it doesn't belong! LOL
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and stay warm! We have a cold front coming tonite...it's about 50 now, supposed to get down to the 20's tonite.

  12. Your rolls sure do look good.
    My favorite is the mashed potatoes and gravy.
    I will busy tonight making the pies.
    Sorry to hear about the mess but it will be worth in when the new carpet is done.
    It has been foggy and freezing drizzle here the last few days.
    Have a blessed Thanksgiving Day.

  13. I'll be joining in some of your next Recipe Swaps. I just have to make some stuff so I can get the pics! :)

  14. Well, here is my Thanksgiving menu and everything on it is a MUST HAVE...LOL
    Turkey, stuffing and gravy
    mashed potatoes
    brussel sprouts
    broccoli casserole
    cranberry sauce
    cresent rolls
    and for dessert
    pumpkin pie and shoefly pie

    I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving.
    I hope to participate in your swap

  15. Awe, no recipe for the Ukranian food? Those look wonderful! I always have to bring cauliflower casserole and dinner rolls. Have to!

  16. Sorry I couldn't participate, just wayyyy too many things on the plate right now.
    Yay, for new carpet! I hope you get your house back in order soon.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and those you love!
    Oh yeah...must have?? Pumpkin pie!!!


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