Monday, September 3, 2012

Good bye summer..........................

I am mourning summer right now...don't mind me while I feel sorry for myself. 
No matter how much I WISH...I cannot get June back...
Don't get me wrong....I do LOVE fall....just not ready for it yet. 
I want the less structured days of summer to be among us.
I dread the fridgid cold days on the prairie...those days will be with us before we know it.

How are YOU on this Labor Day? 

{snap dragons from my flower bed}

Summer's End

No flowers to plant,
No garden to tend,
As summertime lazily comes to an end.
It's time to sit back and deliciously savor
The beauty of the season and the fruits of our labor.
Farewell to summer; for autumn make way,
With this last celebration we call Labor Day.
~Nancy Hughes


  1. I found you! And I love your blog!! It'll be fun to follow you and I understand just how you feel about summer! It's so hard to get used to the idea of school routine and schedules again..

  2. After a hot and dry summer I am ready for some early fall weather. Although I am in no hurry for the end of fall!

    Love the flowers in the milk bottles... cute!

  3. Hey, Lady! So glad you are back!
    I know what you mean... what I dread the most is the shorter days. *ugh* It's so depressing to think that soon it will get dark before the evening news comes on! *WAAAA*

  4. I am ready for fall and gone with the heat. It has been a HOT summer here in Arizona. I'm beginning to plant the fall vegetables & flowers. I did see snapdragons at the nursery but I wanted stocks cuz they have the pretty smell. Yours look so lovely. You could always winter in Arizona! Have a great week.

  5. I LOVE summer, even the hot Oklahoma summer I have grown up with. Fall is nice but I know it will lead to the dropping of all the leaves and the trees will look so naked and sad.

  6. those snapdragons are beautiful!
    my flowers were so BLAH this year...too hot and dry. Never got to bring any in and enjoy...what did survive was eaten by the darn grasshoppers!

    We are slowly getting back into the groove of what I call..."organized chaos" with school and activities!

    Cool weather sounds somewhat nice as it's in the 100+ here...again.
    Take care.

  7. Lovely poem find and pretty flowers.

    I am looking forward to crisp mornings, cooler days and fall foods.

  8. I really am ready for summer to move on; all the heat, humidity and bugs here in Florida are a pain. I'm ready for fall's cooler temps!

  9. Your snap dragons are lovley, they are my Mom's favorite flower :)
    I loved the poem very much. Our winters are raining and cold we do not get snow and our summers are very hot they can reach up to 108. I love fall and spring the heat just kicks my fanny. I know my kids still want summer so they can swim, I want winter so I can turn off the air-con and light the fire Hehehe. It has been fun to visit you again. Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  10. Oh, I am totally ready for fall! I'd like to be able to go out and work in the yard during the middle of the day and not feel like I'm going to get a heat stroke. Your flowers are beautiful! I love those baskets for mason jars. I need one!


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