Saturday, September 8, 2012

Farm Photo Friday on Saturday :)

Welcome to Farm Photo Friday.
I would love to see what is going on around your farm, ranch or country home!! Please be kind to the hostess {me} and follow the rules. LINK BACK to me on your blog so that others can follow the link and play along! If you don't than you are not spreading the word that there is a linky party going on at my blog.

{one of canola fields earlier this summer}
*Link up to your specific post, not to your whole blog. {You need to click on the title of your post and it will open its own page, copy that link for your link up}
*Link up to your photos taken on your farm, ranch, garden, country kitchen or just out in the beautiful country.
*Please make sure you link back to me so others can see the other photo submissions. You can do this by either adding my button to your post or somewhere on your blog . The button is found on the right hand side of my blog. You can also simply put a link at the bottom of your post like this. I am linking to Farmchick's Farm Photo Friday.

*Visit a few people from the linky party and make some new friends. Don't forget to comment here and on other blogs know we ALL love comments!!
*If you are not a follower I would love for you to become one. {You don't HAVE to but I would would appreciate it}
If you want to play along but need a little help to get started, simply leave a comment here with your questions or email me. I will be glad to help you get started.
Click below here to get started. :)

Stay I will be starting something new here on my blog....and also a new recipe is coming up soon!! 



  1. Ooooh, nooooo, we consider the farms of America sacred, sugar! Hubs' father farmed and he worked on a farm near by for all the little extras he wanted. LOL You can be the Farm Girl and I'll be the Suburban Girl! LOL

  2. I like your new header Farm Chick! I love the colors of maturing crops! What vibrant canola colors you captured in a nice evening setting.

  3. I didn't receive your email...You might have sent it to my old email addy...I sent you one at the yahoo address...


Thank you so much for visiting me today! I enjoy having
guests around the farm! Come again!