Friday, September 10, 2010

Chocolate Chip Cupcakes....a yummy treat for your family :)

Where were you when the world stopped turning? Together we pause to remember the victims, to grieve with the families and friends of those who died, and to honor the heroes of that day and each day since who have sacrificed to save lives and serve their country.

Usually I like to cook and bake from scratch. I decied that my readers/followers would like a simple and very GOOD recipe that is pretty quick because you use a cake mix. it is! I hope you enjoy these cupcakes.


1 package (18-1/4 ounces) yellow cake mix
1 package (3.4 ounces) instant vanilla pudding mix
1 cup water
1/2 cup canola oil
4 eggs
1 cup (6 ounces) miniature semisweet chocolate chips
1 can (16 ounces) chocolate or vanilla frosting
Additional miniature semisweet chocolate chips, optional
•In a large bowl, combine the cake and pudding mixes, water, oil and
eggs; beat on low speed for 30 seconds. Beat on medium for 2
minutes. Stir in chocolate chips.

•Fill paper-lined muffin cups two-thirds full. Bake at 375° for
18-22 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes
out clean. Cool for 10 minutes before removing to wire racks to cool
completely. Frost cupcakes. Sprinkle with additional chips if
desired. We used sprinkles on a few cupcakes...just because our youngest wanted pretty sprinkles. Here is the cupcake that he decorated for himself. Pretty cute huh?

1 pound (4 cups) confectioners' sugar, sifted
3/4 cup unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
12 ounces cream cheese, room temperature
3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
1 1/2 cups sour cream

Sift together confectioners' sugar, cocoa, and salt. With an electric mixer on medium-high speed, beat cream cheese and butter until pale and fluffy. Reduce speed to low. Gradually add sugar mixture; mix until combined. Mix in sour cream; scrape down sides of bowl and continue beating until smooth.

If you like you can leave the cupcakes unfrosted....they are very good that way too. They are so moist and the little chips add the perfect chocolate flavor. Don't get me wrong...they are great with the frosting too...and much more fun for your little helpers! You know how kids love to decorate especially with sprinkles! lol

Have a wonderful weekend. We are still waiting for the rain to clear up so we can continue on with our harvest. Please remember to leave me a comment and just say hi or tell me what your plans for the weekend are. :)


  1. Today is such a sad day so it was nice to add a bit of nostalgic sweetness to it with your recipe. I've bookmarked it to make one day next week. Sounds good. Just a rainy day here in NC so pulled out the crockpot for something warm. Come visit my page if you get a chance. Donnie

  2. Remembering! What a horrible day! But it made all us "Americans" closer."Thank God for the land of the Free and the people who serve!"
    The cupcakes can I just have one to eat? They look delicious! I will try them out!
    thanks & God Bless

  3. I'm usually not big on's always too sweet for my liking...but, these look really, really good! I might have to give them a try!


  4. Oh, I make this as a big brownie!! I love the looks of the frosting....going to certainly have to give that recipe a try!! Have a great weekend sweet lady!

  5. Those look good! I made some cupcakes a few weeks ago, lets just say, I will never use the frosting recipe that I used again! It was the runniest frosting...I thought it was the blog taking over my house. I found that stuff everywhere! Wouldn't even stay on a cupcake, so I had a ton left over!!

  6. Girl, do those look luscious!!! WOW. Just pass them down the highway, chick....
    Connie ;-)

  7. Looks like another yummy recipe! Thanks for sharing!

  8. OMG, these make me wanna lick the screen. They look sooooo yummy. I've been very, very good for a month now and I need to continue. You are putting me in the mood to bake. Shame on you!! :)

  9. It is very unladylike to slobber, so I will say my mouth is watering for just one bite...

  10. I made Amish Sugar Cookies (recipe on my blog). It must be Autumn... all this baking.

  11. Very yummy....I'm always in the mood for cupcakes :)

  12. Thanks so much for sharing all your yummy recipes! Those look awesome and easy to make.

  13. I always love your recipes...this one looks so good too! Thanks for your visit :D

  14. Yummy is all I can say! I love sweets and will have to make this. Fortunately I have learned not to eat them often.

    Have a great day and I hope your farming is going well.

  15. Hi Tania,

    What you wrote is so true. America has not been the same since 9/11, and we shouldn't be! We should never forget that day and strive hard to make sure it never happens again!

    The cupcakes look and sound so good! I'm sure we will be trying this recipe. If I make a cake, sometimes we can't eat it all, but cupcakes seem to disappear! LOL!

    Have a happy week!

  16. Hey girl; love those goodies! Thanks for visiting me; and such great comments:) Merrie


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