Thursday, July 29, 2010

one of the gals

So, we were out in the pasture last night to check the gals and their babies. This poor gal had a cut on her foot so she wasn't feeling up to par. With a little medication and some salve...she is on the road to recovery.

I decided she needed some cheering up...and who wouldn't feel better with a pretty flower tucked behind your ear?

I believe her spirits are lifted already...and she is feeling soooooooo pretty! ;)

I am really trying to get back on my regular posting schedule. I don't want to lose my readers and I am not getting the comments that I used to! Remember to make this farmchick happy and leave me a comment.


  1. I'm afraid to be "one of th' gals" cuz you'd punch my ear with one of those thing, chick!! Ooooooo, scary, but she is booooutiful with her flower. ;-)

  2. Yes she does look happier with the flower. lol Reading over the blogs it is a common discussion of how busy and how hectic life is. I am trying to step back and breathe and enjoy it a little more. Hard to do sometimes, but everything else is just things, it will be there tomorrow, our family and our friends may not be. I enjoy reading your blog, just wanted you to know that!
    until next time... nel

  3. From the look on her face, its hard to tell if the flower lifted her spirits. She looks quite unhappy with life!

  4. Sorry that poor girl was not feeling her best; glad she is on the mend. I am sure that flower helped!

  5. Gorgeous with her flower! LOL! Love the granola bar recipe too!

  6. She definitely looks cheerful with her flower.
    Except for those evil looking eyes.LOL

  7. She sure did look a lot happier after the meds and then the flower was the topper.
    It has been busy here to and I have been a bad blogger.
    I enjoy your site.

  8. I know a flower in my hair always makes me happier!

  9. She looks festive,indeed. Like she is on her way to a luau!

  10. I think every cow should have a flower behind her ear! :) So cute!

  11. Poor Baby..So glad she is feeling better.>Way to be a good mommy to her :)

    ~♥~ Primitive Blessings,

  12. How cute! Cows are so much fun. People often say they are just cows but they all have their own personality. Some you really get attached to and some you are glad to see go. Thanks for sharing the photo. Have a great night Rebekah

  13. Summertime is busy time so maybe as it comes to an end, action will pick up in blogland.

  14. Your cow...she must be going to San Fransico right? Because I see she is wearing a flower in her hair! LOL Thanks for your visit, I know you a busy. :D

  15. Hi Tania!

    Long time since I passed this way. Sorry about that. I haven't been blogging or even visiting too much lately.

    I guess I have the summer blahs. Hopefully they will pass soon.

    Take care!

  16. Not too crazy about her "earring" but I do love the flower in her hair!!!

  17. So so smiling! She must be a pretty gentle girl for you to actually get to put that flower on her ear :D What did your Mr. have to say about it?!?! Oh, life with cows is just good!!! Don't you worry sweet girl...your readers will always be waiting to read your posts...sometimes life just gets away from us...but, we'll be here when you get time! Have a wonderful weekend! Sweet blessings!

  18. This made me laugh. How'd you get her to stand still while you put the flower on? I kid I kid! :)


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