Monday, July 26, 2010

Kids love homemade Granola Bars....and so will you!

If your kids like granola bars I think they will love these! There are all kinds of variations of granola bars out there but I think these are my favorite. I like the fact that they use honey instead of corn syrup.

These bars make a great afterschool snack or snack that can be sent to school in a small ziplock bag. For fun you can send them with your kids packaged in cello bag with a cute ribbon..they will love them and so will their friends! {provided they can eat peanut butter~~~}


2 cups rolled oats

3 cups crispy rice ceral

1/2 cup coconut

1/4 firmly packed brown sugar

1/2 cup honey

3/4 cup peanut butter

2 tsp vanilla

1/2 mini chocolate chips

Combine dry ingredients (except for the chocolate chips). Set aside. In a saucepan, combine the brown sugar and honey. Bring to a boil stirring constant. Stir in the peanut butter and vanilla. Blend until smooth. Pour over the cereal mixture. Coat not add chocolate chips until misture has cooled as they will melt. Pour mixture into an ungreased 9x13 pan. Press firmly until the mixture is really flattened and formed together. When cool cut into small bars.

These granola bars freeze well in individual portions.


That's what's for

snack in

Farmchick's kitchen!

My next post is scheduled for Wednesday...

Stop in again then!

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well, if you want to make this farmchick's day... {or night} :)

Thanks for stopping by!!!


  1. They look and sound great! I'm gonna really have to make these :)

  2. I'm going to have to try those bars. They looks and sound really good!

  3. I haven't had breakfast yet and those are making me very hungry! I will be trying these soon.

  4. Those look great and really easy. We will have to try these! Thanks for the recipe.

  5. These look super yummy and so cute all wrapped up with a ribbon.

  6. Thank you for the recipe..My grandson and I will be making these this week..He loves granola bars..Have a great week..

  7. Hi! So glad I found your blog! I've been looking for some good homemade granola recipes! The fresher the better, thanks for sharing this, my girls will love it! I'm a stay at home Mom of two girls. If you have a moment stop by and say hi! Have a great evening!
    Blessings, Jill

  8. Well, it certainly looks like you've been busy with the farm and cooking, honey. I've heard the life of a farm wife is never idle!

  9. This looks so good. I need to try making some. Thanks for stopping by and visiting me. My summer blogging is having a hard time this summer. So busy here. Our farm crops look the best ever. Hope you're having a good summer. jo

  10. My girls made these today and they are yummy! We cut and wrapped them in plastic wrap and stored them in our cookie jar. Thanks for the great recipe. May I borrow it and post it on my you credit?

  11. Thanks for stopping by --- I've been stopping in just haven't had much time to leave little messages.... I love the granola recipe - it is my daughters' favorite and of course with choc chips - we will be trying this one! Have a great evening!

  12. I've been stopping in but haven't had time for little messages -- thanks for stopping by my way - these granola bars look wonderful!


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