Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April showers ........

Hi everyone....sorry my posts have been kinda slow lately.

It just started drying up here at the farm BUT last night

we had a huge thunderstorm with lots of wind and hail!

Yeah....it woke me up and I could not get back to sleep. ;)

Even with all the snow we had this winter the rain was welcome.

Everything needed a good washing off. I think that now once

the sun comes out the grass will really start to green up. Today

it is still very cloudy and windy and they are forecasting more

severe weather. I am really hoping for some nice warm sun...but

as my Dad always told me...."Good things come to those who wait" ;)

Don't forget to stop back tomorrow for a yummy lower calorie treat.

Thanks for stopping by and please leave me a comment....this farmgirl

just loves reading all your comments!



  1. Don't apologize...mine have been slack too! Just not enough hours in the day! I am so glad the Lord blessed you with some rain. Can't wait to see tomorrows recipe. have a blessed day!

  2. Hey there! We need some rain too. Send it our way!

  3. It is so windy today, I think it's trying to blow our house to the next state over.

    We got a tiny bit of rain last night, it was a welcome change from the snow... but spring is our snowiest season so we are not out of the woods yet until the end of May.

    Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. I also have been lax with posting. Seems like there is so much going on. Enjoy your recipes. I used one of yours while we were in Arkansas. The one for the homemade buns. We used them with sandwiches I made in the Philly Cheese Steak. They were soooo good. Hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy your much needed rain. Everything here is booming and turning green. I love spring!

    until next time... nel

  5. Nothing says spring more then a nice thunderstorm! Hope you get warm sunshine soon.

  6. Nice picture...we got snow yesterday and last night! Well...now spring is here your work will begin again. Come say hi :D

  7. Hey there! Thanks for stopping by The Doublewide today! It's nice to hear from you! Your picture reminded me of my college days when I would be home during the summer and would have to help bale hay! Of course we didn't have those fancy huge cylinder bales, we had the regular rectangular ones and had to throw them on the trailer, drive them to the barn, and load them in the loft. It wasn't much fun with a bunch of stinky teenage local boys helping, but I'm glad I was made to do it! Hope you have a wonderful day today!

  8. I'm so glad that you had some rain ! It's also raining on our farm here in Africa today ! Will check back tomorrow to see your low calorie treat ... have a wonderful day :)

  9. Cool photo! Sorry the storm woke you up!

  10. We are needing some rain now, but not the storms.
    The wind is blowing again today over 50mph.So it is drying things up quickly.
    Can't wait for the recipe.
    Great photo.

  11. We could use a bit of rain here too! Can't wait to see what you've got cooking for tomorrow!

  12. Love that hay photo and I can't wait for your next recipe. I love your recipes!

  13. hi there. Thanks for visiting my blog. I wanted to let you know that those tangy chicken and shrimp kabobs look too yummy! I wish we were neighbors and friends...I'd hint around for you to invite me to your dinner! ")

  14. I'm a big believer in "good things come to those who wait".

    Made the Easter bread. YUM! Didnt last long at the table.

    Have a great week!

  15. I think we have all been lax in posting. Love the picture and we need rain to wash away the pollen. Everything is yellow with pollen.

    Have a great day.

  16. Hope the storms are gone and that Spring Sunshine is setting in :D We have had WIND forever...I'm hoping for a wind-free weekend :D I can't wait to see some photos of your beautiful flowers blooming again :D Sweet blessings!


Thank you so much for visiting me today! I enjoy having
guests around the farm! Come again!