Wednesday, March 31, 2010

WWW~Spicy Flank Steak

Well, here I am with another recipe. I hope you all know that you don't have to be on weight watchers to enjoy these recipes! lol I try to post healthy dishes for the "weight watcher" not because you are on WEIGHT WATCHERS! Have I confused you all? I merely post the points for those who are actually counting! :) So, here we go! Oh and before I forget...I so appreciate your comments and emails....they really make my day.....REALLY they DO! :) Thanks!!!! Keep them coming!!


1/3 cup sour cream
(I used light)
2 tablespoons ground horseradish
2 tablespoons chili sauce
1 tablespoon lime juice
1/2 to 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 beef flank steak (1-1-1/2 pounds)

In a small bowl combine the sourcream and horseradish. Cover and refrigerate for several hours. Combine the chili sauce, lime juice, pepper flakes and salt--brush on each side of the steak.

Broil or grill for 6-8 minutes or until meat reaches desired doneness. Let stand for 5 minutes. Cut across the grain into thin strips. Serve with sour cream sauce. YUM-O!!

Hope you are enjoying these weight watcher meals! I am enjoying posting these healthy meals! :)

3 oz. steak with one tablespoon sour cream sauce = 6 points.

Stop back Friday for my next recipe! :) Oh yeah and don't forget to leave me a comment!


  1. WW or not...this sounds so good I am going to make it...sounds just yummy! Come say hi :D

  2. Mmmm .. this looks very tasty indeed, thanks for sharing the recipe with us ! Hope you're having a wonderful day :)
    Lynda, on a farm in the foothills of Kilimanjaro, East Africa

  3. that looks like another great recipe that I need to try.
    Thanks for posting them.
    Happy Easter

  4. Well, Farmchick, very nice blog you have here. Thanks for commenting over at mine. I'll have to make sure I come visiting over here more often. I like what I see. ;) And might I just add... your food posts look delicious!!!

  5. Flank steak is one of my very favorites....I'll have to try your recipe :)

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment! It's always fun to get comments! What great recipes~ I am especially anxious to try the cream cheese in the spaghetti. We love anything with cream cheese!

  7. That looks good, I will have to make it.

  8. Oh, my Mr. will soooo LOVE this recipe...He loves anything that is BEEF! I'm going to give it a try as soon as we get some more Flank Steaks in...they seem to be a very popular cut with all our customers...we cannot keep them long enough for me to ever get to cook them myself :D Would you mind if I share your recipe with some of our customers??? We were actually thinking of having some recipe cards done up to put with products at the Farmer's markets...or to send out as thank-you's to new customers..and this would be perfect!!! Just let me know how you feel about that :D I would be happy to say the recipe was compliments of Farmchick :D Have a wonderful DAY! Sweet blessings!


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