Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring has sprung on the farm....

How can I tell you ask???

And let me tell you....it may not be cleaned off anymore than it is

in this picture when it steps into my HOUSE! :)

We have had a few nice days of 60's but it is soon to start raining

or dare I saw sNoWIng! Yikes...{please no snow-please no snow}

What's the weather like in your neck of the woods??


  1. It's been cool and wet here, but it's supposed to be warm and sunny the rest of the week. Woohoo!

    I sent you a note - I can't remember if it was an email or a comment on the post - about your Mexican Chicken. I had a couple of questions about the recipe. Did you get it? :-)

  2. Ohhh, I can just smell those boots now,(having grown up on a farm)..I hope you have an out door mud room! LOL Love the sweet baby face on the header, I just love all the spring babies! It is so windy here today, I swear my house is going to take off and end up there! Come say hi :D

  3. Aahhhh, not to rub your nose into it, but you asked. We are going to be sunny and in the 70's and 80's the next 7 days. Yea for me! Boo for you. :)

  4. I understand the mud thing. I'm dealing with that now. You come directly in my kitchen from the out side. I have managed to keep it pretty clean. I feel like all I'm doing is sweeping. The weather here is beautiful cold at night but warm during the day. I opened my window in my bedroom today. Oh it smells so good in my room. They say by the end of the week we will be in the 70's. Hopefully the next 2 weeks are nice cause my husband has layoff. Hoping to gey alot done around the farm. Have a great night. Rebekah

  5. We are in the mid-80s right now. The wind has been horrible though. Glad to see y'all are thawin' out!

  6. Beautiful this week! Highs in the mid to high 70's and sunny. Hopefully it will last long enough to dry my garden out so we can get it worked up! Glad you are warming up, even if that means you are muddy!

  7. We broke a record today. It was 91 We have had an unusual winter weather don't know if we are ready for the heat yet. Where is spring?

  8. We went to Costco today and when we came out it was raining violently with snow and sleet, sugar. Not usual for this time of year for us in Idaho.

  9. Here in Iowa, it is very nice, finally. It was sunny and breezy today and 73'. It is predicted to be 80 tomorrow and the next. I am seriously hoping that it stays nice. Everything is budding and bulbs are blooming. It feels good to have the windows open.★Linda

  10. Rain, rain and more rain. Cant wait till it stops.

    Have a great week!

  11. A little snow, sunshine, and a lot of rain in Swansea, South Wales.

  12. Ooo I bet you HATE that mud! I know I do... we have red clay mud here and once it touches something white, its stains! Its been pretty nice in my neck of the woods, sunny, warm, Springish... gonna be real nice the next few days in the upper 70's!!!

  13. Oh my goodness! MUD! Bless your heart! What a mess! I am wishing that you get no more snow this year and the weather dries up a bit so that the mud is less.
    Happy Easter, Tania!

  14. It's been beautiful here, low 80's all week!

  15. Oh I sure do remember the mud when we lived in SD.
    Where we live now it is more sandy and sometimes I think that is just as bad. It sure does track in on the shoes.
    It has been really nice and in the 70
    all week but it is to cool back to the low 50 on Friday.
    It sure did feel good while it lasted.

  16. We are supposed to get nearly a foot of snow here today!


  17. It's been beautiful here lately. It was rainy on Sunday, but nothing how it was last year. This is the earliest we've been able to get onions in!!

  18. Cold, windy, wet, muddy.....also had some nice 65 degree sunny days in the middle. Seems spring is here though by all that is blooming already! :)

  19. Looks like the boots I've been used to most of my life. I was surprised the first time I saw a pair of muddy boots sitting outside the door!
    Here in Scotland we've been having some horrendous snowstorms again with eveything at a standstill (again!) Must be due to Global Warming???!!!

  20. The mud is finally drying up here! Lots of folks were mowing their grass yesterday. It has been 60s and 70s this week. We broke a record yesterday with 82! Back down to 60s for the weekend...but I will take it!

  21. Thanks for the smile...I so have seen that picture before...and I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has family members that come in the house..just.like.that! Praying the sun comes soon, and the muck goes for a long, long time! Sweet blessings!


Thank you so much for visiting me today! I enjoy having
guests around the farm! Come again!