Monday, September 28, 2009

What's Been Going on??? guessed it!

We are still harvesting spring wheat.

Yes--we still have a few days to go.

I miss visiting you all-

I am going to start visiting you tonight!

Today North Dakota

it was cooler and we may get

our first frost tonight.

I would love to know what state you

live in and what the weather is like

in your neck of the woods!



  1. I am in Virginia - SW Virginia, to be exact. We're in the Appalachian mountains. After days and days of rain, we've had two sunny days in a row. Temperatures here should get into the upper 40's tonight, and the highs tomorrow will be in the 60's. This is the first of cooler temperatures around here. I love fall, so I'm looking forward to it!

    Happy harvesting!

  2. North Carolina here. Was 80 today but suppose to be in the 70's rest of week with the lows in the 50's.

    Love this weather and enjoy reading your blog!

  3. I am in Eastern KY,and we are suppose to get in the 40's tonight,but no frost in sight just yet..but I am enjoying the nip in the air...

  4. West Michigan here! And it's extremely windy and raining. High around 59 today, with more of the same tomorrow. Eeks! I think Autumn came in like a lion!

  5. Hi there...well I made homemade wheat bread today,,thank you very much to the wonderful farmers out there in the good ole USA. Our weather in cooling down now, about 30-ish at night. Come say hi :D

  6. Crazy that you're just now harvesting wheat in ND...we do that in KS at the end of June! We are planting wheat right now. Wheat harvest and frost do not go together around here. Our soybeans are almost ready for harvesting. We might be harvesting milo (grain sorghum) after the first frost. Highs near 70/75, low tonight might get all the way down to 37 - which will be the coldest we've had yet so far!

  7. In the heart of Illinois the temps have dropped back to low 60's today with 35 mph wind gusts. Tonight, lows in the 40s and tomorrow night in the 30s. Much cooler earlier this Fall than last year. Not much color yet.

  8. Hi We are in the Springfield MO area. There is a little chill in the air tonight. It got up to 71 today and supposed to get down to 44 tonight. hmmm I think I will open the window a little.
    I enjoy your blog and love your recipes.
    Have a great week...nel

  9. SE Nebraska. It was warm and beautiful over the weekend. Windy today and cooler. Frost warnings tonight and rain again for Wed. night.

    Soybean harvest has started here and I've started coughing and sneezing.

  10. Western Washington here, and despite the rumors it's sunny and warm, but of course, we are expecting rain tomorrow..;p

  11. Oh Dear, the freezing temp this morning got the tomatoes and cukes. I was out covering them last night, but a wind must have blown off the covers. It was 32 at 6am! I'm in the Panhandle of Nebraska.

  12. We are in southern Michigan. It is very windy and cold. It rained all day yesterday and is suppose to today. Not very good weather to finish the crops so we can harvest. It was such a drastic change in temp yesterday I wore a hat and two sweatshirts instead of one.Have a great day Rebekah.

  13. morning darling! NY... cold and rainy!!!

  14. Arkansas...Our August was amazingly wet this year, the summmer was mild. September has started warm, but the last few days have been clear, cool in the morning and pleasantly warm and cloud free for three days.

  15. I am in central Indiana. Fall has decided to let us know it is now in charge. It is currently 50* and the high today will only be 59*.

  16. Hope harvest is going harvest happening here as of yet! Dianntha

  17. We live in northern AL, very close to TN. This week the temps are supposed to be in the low 70's during the day and upper 40's at night. I love that time when you can just leave the windows open all day long. And it finally stopped raining!!!

  18. First frost???? Oh no!
    Not ready for that here. I just planted a late garden not long ago and I must receive atleast one mess off cucumbers and green beans.
    It's been in the high 50's at night and around 80 during the day here in South Carolina. Supposed to be this way the rest of the week. It's beautiful weather.

  19. Northern Virginia. It's been absolutely beautiful but there is a new 'crispness' in the breeze. Love your blog and as a farm girl now stuck in the city I always enjoy your harvest/farm pictures.

  20. Kansas is GORGEOUS! Middle 70's with sunshine! Sunflower fields are abloom everywhere. Our wheat harvest usually ends the first weeks of July. Mornings are covered with fog and dampness on the ground. Evenings are CHILLY!

  21. I am in Arkansas close to the Oklahoma line. Our weather was down to 40 last night. In OK we do our harvesting in June. We are now getting ready to sew our wheat. I have family that does custom harvesting all the way up to North Dakota.

    Hope you are having a good crop. Ours did not make this year. Thank goodnes for farmers. We couldn't eat without them.


  22. I enjoy your blog and recipes...I'm from Cedar Rapids, is rather chilly this morning 41 with highs in the 60's and was very windy...the winds have died down..We have frost warnings for tonight...Lisa

  23. Eastern Oregon is breezy and cold today ... not sure of the temp ... but definitely long sleeve weather!!

  24. I live on the east coast of Canada in Nova Scotia. Its been warm here the past few days(75 today)but will cool off soon Im sure. I love your fields of sunflowers and all the great recipes!

  25. In Kansas...just a few miles from Paula at Broken Y...
    It's nice and cool here in the evenings...makes drinking my coffee in the a.m. a treat! I enjoy that a lot. Hope your harvest is going well. We're sowing wheat around here.
    Take care and thanks for stopping by to visit...
    you should come to KS to the Walnut Valley Festival next September!!!

  26. First frost, hard to believe! I guess I need to believe that summer is really over! :) Hope you get the wheat all harvested soon!

  27. Wow! It has been awhile since I've been on here....I am soooo going to make the corn chowder...yummy!! The wheat sure looks good....our soybeans are doing so well, I hope it lasts....we might make a profit this year...crossing fingers!!! Thanks for stopping by!!

  28. So glad you could pop in for a bit!! Missed hearing from you!! You guys have been working to hard....Time for a home maybe LOL!!

    I live in the great state of KS, pretty close to the OK border. Right now our weather has been fair temperatures. One day it may get into the 90's then the 60' the next day LOL!! It's getting cold enough at night that the horses are spurting their winter coats!! Oh and lots of rain...

  29. We're in south central Colorado, San Luis Valley. We've had our frost last week and all the leaves have started changing because of it. High yesterday of 75 but cools off to the 30s at night. Trying to get 3rd crop hay and combining of barley and oats done.

  30. Hey Tania! You may or may not already know this, but I live in Alabama on the Georgia border.
    It has been hot and humid, but yesterday was awesome and cool! The rest of this week is supposed to be very Fall-ike and I am loving it!
    I love fall!
    Have a great week!

  31. Flat out here too.
    Busy keeping the kids occuoied whilst attempting to catch up on jobs around here.
    But been very very busy at work too!

  32. I'm in NW Indiana. It was a beautiful 60 degrees and sunny here today...but I'm hearing rumors of a first frost. I won't believe it til I see it!

  33. Texas here...pretty nice, pleasant weather. I can see you have been very busy!

  34. We were going to start the bean harvest here in SD yesterday and then....the rain hit...lots of it!

  35. I LOVE your pictures of the wheat harvest! I have a college friend who is married to a wheat man..and your pictures reminded me so much of their life!!! So glad harvest is almost over for you!

    I live in Eastern Oregon...and Fall is definitely in the air here..I'm thinking I'm going to have to break out my winter feeding coat tomorrow :D Hope you have a GREAT weekend! Sweet blessings!

  36. I'm sure your very busy with the farm. Hope all is going well.

  37. Fall is finally here in East Tennessee! We've had such a rainy year- hopefully it will bring beautiful Fall colors!
    Don't work too hard!

  38. Looks like the harvest turned out well! The farmers down here didn't fair so well with the drought.

  39. I've never actually seen wheat up close like that before. When I hear it looks like a field of gold, your second picture proves it. So pretty it's almost dazzling! And the wheat kernels? berries? (not sure which is right) are wonderful. You take some of the best pictures of your fields that I actually feel like I'm there. It calms me, you know? I can just imagine the wind blowing and the smell of fresh clean earth. *sigh* Thanks so much for that. xxoo

  40. Oh, sorry, almost forgot. Baltimore's weather is now cool at night and warm/cool during the day. The humidity is gone and it's wonderful to be outdoors again! Yay! xxoo

  41. Those are some wonderful pictures of the wheat (?) harvesting.

  42. I live in Saskatchewan we have been harvesting wheat for a while now


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