Tuesday, August 4, 2009

On the farm today......




while the






Enjoying the smells and sounds
out in the hay field.

What did you do in the sun today?



  1. Hey Tania! Love this cut post! The photos are awesome! I can just imagine the smell.
    Enjoy the rest of your week!

  2. Love the smell of hay when its being cut!! Great pics!

  3. Your pictures are great Tania! Can you believe it's already August? This summer has flown by and it doesn't really seem like we've had a summer!! Am jotting down that breadstick recipe. Looks yummy with my spaghetti in the winter time!!

  4. I can smell the hay. Such a wonderful smell!

  5. Cute post. I am jealous of your property. Looks like you have some really yummy recipes I will have to try.

    PS Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  6. Wonderful pictures. I wish we lived in the country, that life is so appealing to me, and especially if I got to do a little farm work...that would be great.

  7. Farm life ... there is nothing better is there?! :)

    Thanks for stopping by and for the compliments ... you're a gem!!

    Blessings ~

  8. Just loving the smell...great pics!
    We are getting our summer weather this coming weekend...in the 90's, first time this summer:)
    Have a great day.

  9. I love the smell of fresh hay and also freshly worked ground that has had a nice light rain. Brings back lots of memories.

    Farming is rewarding because you can see the fruits of your labor.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    Great post.

  10. I remember my dad cutting and baling hay. Thanks for the great pictures!

  11. Our haying is done for the year but I can still smell it. I've been painting so I've been inside. We had beautiful weather last week and a heat wave this week. Go figure?

  12. Those are great photos.
    I like to watch them putting up hay.
    This year it seems like everything has to be planned around that sunshine.
    God bless

  13. Those look like nice hot days of work...do you have fields of sunflowers again this year? Good to hear from you. Dianntha

  14. It rained here!Today's been sunny...FINALLY. We've had lots of rain this year. After years of drought, though, I'm definitely NOT complaining!

    I enjoyed the pictures. I've always wondered what farmers used to get hay into those rolls!


  15. Relaxed in the pool for a change.
    Tomorrow, back to the grind of the many things needing to be done around the farm.

  16. Lovely photos. I especially like the last one.

  17. Love those pictures...especially your dog out there "helping too"! :D Thanks for your sweet wishes for my trip away..it was a GREAT time with good friends..!!! So, what I did in the Sun was...SHOP!! EAT...Laugh, SHOP some more...and simply enjoyed the beauty of good friendship! Praying your day was blessed in GREAT ways too! Sweet blessings!

  18. Oh Yep can smell it,Feel the breeze and Hear each and every sound.
    I just want to be there!!
    I just love the country and cannot imagine living anywhere else...

  19. Sweated! So ready for the Fall! Hay looks good!

  20. WOW! That last photo looks like it should be framed and hung over a fireplace...absolutely beautiful!

  21. I've never lived on a farm; I don't even remember visiting very many; but, I DO remember the smell of freshly cut hay, for some reason. Glad you had sunshine for the task!

  22. The smell of hay is wonderful..and always makes me itchy! Lots of work, but sure useful when it's cold this winter.

  23. Tania,

    I love looking at pictures of your farm! We have farm fields behind us and I love watching the tractors out there, hearing them, the smell, the dust and everything. Makes me glad to live in the country!

    Have a great weekend (in the sun)! :)


  24. Oh we so need to be baling hay right now...Gotta find the time LOL!! Love the pictures!!! The last one is definitely my favorite!!

  25. I walked the dogs! I miss hay season...the smell, the rattling sounds of the tractors/bailers, even the sweaty hay crew. Thanks for another great post...

  26. We have been busy putting up hay and ditches too! The wheat wasn't quite ready last week, hopefully today or tomorrow we will work on that.

  27. Thank you, sweet friend, for always checking up on me. *Big Hug* My summer has been one of heat, humidity, working harder and trying to be patient while they're re-wiring our offices. Governor put in new light switches to turn the electricity off when no one has been moving around in them for a few minutes. He thinks it will save the State some money. Bet it cost a fortune for the switches too.

    I'm caught up with your posts and wanted to let you know that I have missed you very much. I've never smelled freshly mown hay, but I do enjoy the smell of freshly mown grass. Do they have a similar smell? Glad to hear everything you and your family planted is doing so well. My friend in Louisiana said her little vegetable garden just sizzled because of the high heat.

    I can't wait for Autumn to come back. Yes, it's been a cool summer, but the heat is catching up with us here. The past two days have been horrendous and my little a/c is running at full throttle. I'll be back to posting soon and hope you keep stopping by. Love ya! xxoo

  28. We got our hay done and believe it or not, we've had some good rain and might actually get a great crop of soybeans this year!!! We need it, haven't had a crop in 2+ years!


Thank you so much for visiting me today! I enjoy having
guests around the farm! Come again!