Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A message from the cows.....

Farmchick has been really busy lately. She is feeling bad that she has not posted in over a week. SO, we thought we would step in and give you a quick update. She has been gardening, painting, getting the kids ready for school and just celebrated Little Farmchick's birthday.

She has been cooking up some yummy meals too....and we know she wants to share them with you. (WE JUST HOPE THE RECIPES DO NOT CONTAIN BEEF!)

If you stopped by for a visit please leave Farmchick a message....we know she loves hearing from you. Thanks for stopping by.


The cows

Moo...moo...moo ;)


  1. You are so funny, chick! Jack and I went over to Seattle 2 weeks ago and saw several pastures with cows lying down. just have to read the blog I've scheduled to see what he said....LOL

  2. very funny! too cute of a post. tell the cows to be nice or they will for sure be tomorrow night's dinner! hope you are enjoying the last few days of summer. my girlies are headed back to school soon too, thank goodness. i'm ready for early bedtimes and routines. have a wonderful week.

  3. LOL your funny!!! I love the new header!!! Very sweet calf pictured there!! I hope your getting plenty of rest time too!!

  4. I had to giggle at this one. Happy Birthday to Little Farmchick! Can't wait to see what recipes you share, you know you make some really great food. I'm always impressed when I try them. Can't wait for Summer to be over and Autumn to begin. xxoo

  5. Too funny! Sounds like you have your hands full right now.
    Happy Birthday to little farmchick and I hope the kids have a great school year!
    Have a great day, girlie!

  6. I'm glad the cows stopped by to tell us how busy you are! It's a busy time of year for sure. Looking forward to hearing all you've been up to soon.

  7. Moo moo moooooooo!
    Moo, moo moo moo moo moo moo moo.
    Moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo, Moo.
    Have a great day, Farmchick!

  8. Cute post! Reminds me of the Chick-fil-A ads. Enjoy your time in the garden. I am starting to feel little bits of fall coming and I am not ready to be stuck inside yet. Have a great day!

  9. Sorry, cows...Beef, it's what's for dinner.

    (Can't help it..we were cattle ranchers, and Mr. T, was Executive VP for National Cattlemen's Beef Association for's in my blood - gotta have it.)

  10. I feel your much to say, not enough time!!!

  11. First Happy birthday to lil chick
    This was to funny and I truly enjoyed it.
    I think alot of us have been busy right now.
    God bless.

  12. Love it. Gorgeous angus and white faced cattle. They do make great hamburgers and roasts.

    We are all busy but can't wait for your next recipes. They are so yummy.


  13. Love your new header. And always enjoy your pics.

  14. I think everyones busy right now, \getting their kids ready to go back to school or off to college.. or just enjoying the end of summer! I'm falling in that last catagory this year!
    have a sweet weekend!

  15. I love your blog - your cows are darling! :)

  16. That post was so cute...and oh, so creative..thanks for bringing a smile to my day! Praying you make the most of these last few days of Summer....and that they are filled with many, many Sweet blessings!

  17. this is reverse discrimination i want ya to know !! LOL If "I" had insinuated the post was written by a cow. The whole world woulda been mad at me !!

    Discrimination i tell ya discrimination LOLOLOL

  18. LOL! Very cute! Would love to be on your blog roll. I'll get you up on mine right now.

  19. Thanks for stopping by my site! We're hoping to get harvest wrapped up tonight... hoping for some HOT weather! Good luck with yours and getting your kids off to school. I have a kindergartener this year and he's heading there the 2nd week of Sept. I'll be back!

  20. It's funny I am looking at your cow's on here and all of a sudden I am smelling them, oh wait that's ours. :) Nothing like "smellablog"
    Have a blessed day,
    Kim in OK

  21. Those cows are just too funny! Glad they let us know what you've been up to. Can't wait to see what yummy recipes you have. Have a great weekend!


  22. Very cute Moo Moo's!!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

  23. Very cute! A busy time of year on the farm, I know. Look forward to hearing from you when the work slows down.

  24. How Cute! Sometimes I look at our cows and wonder what in the world they are thinking!

  25. Hi! Thanks for participating in my giveaway! :)

  26. Dear Cows,
    Please tell FarmChick we understand. Life is crazy-busy here on the Neb Prairie Farm right now too.



  27. LOL...Moo Moo right back at you...I barelt can get around to everyones page anymore on a regular basis...just bear with me cause when I come I go into overload comment on lots of post I miss.

  28. I literally LOL when I read this - so funny, thank you I needed a good chuckle. Love visiting your site. God Bless ~Gretchen~

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