Monday, August 31, 2009

Around my farm.....

Things just seem to keep getting busier and busier around here. I really do have several recipes that I want to post but I just have not had the time. I wanted to at least get something new posted on my blog so I looked through my hundreds of pictures!

I had my husband move this old John Deere pressdrill into our yard about four or five years ago. I thought it would look cute as a planter for flowers. A drill like this was used in the 1950's to plant small grains such as wheat and barley. Now adays, of course, we use much bigger machinery. See this post for a look at our current seeder.

Here is a little closer up picture. Pretty cute huh?

Thanks for all the comments on my sunflower pictures. I really, really love hearing from all of you. You totally make this farmchick's day! :) I am hoping to get around to visit you all soon.



  1. Who would have ever thought to use the old drill as a planter....awesome idea! only on a farm can you see such brilliant ideas! Enjoy your blog alot! Keep up the good work!!

  2. your flowers are so beautiful, they almost look fake! cute planter idea. i have several old "containers" as well. old wooden milk crate, bolt bin, bed pan {kinda groses some out} i just love flowers. although i will admit that i'm kinda ready to be done watering them. i'm not really ready for winter but i'm ready for the next season for sure. have a wonderful tuesday!

  3. Oh that is definitely awesome!! Great idea!!! The flowers look great in there!!! I hope you get to slow things down a bit and have some rest!!

  4. Cute idea! A way to pretty-up nostaligia.

  5. What a creative idea! Your flowers are gorgeous!!!!

  6. I love to see old equipment used for something beautiful! The elegant beauty of the fowers against the old worn metal finish is wonderful! That's what designers call a "juxtapostion." See how clever you are?

    Have a great week!

  7. That is a fantastic idea! I'm sure you are well aware...farms seem to have old stuff everywhere! At least, ours does! I did a re-purpose walk-through a while back and found new uses for some old things...I will have to do it again with new eyes! :) LOL

  8. I love that! Very creative and beautiful!

  9. Thank you for taking me 'away from the city' for a while.

  10. Wow, your petunias are gorgeous! You must spend a lot of time working on them, deadheading them...I don't see a single wilted bloom!

    Have a great week,

  11. I love to see old item repurposed. Your flowers are beautiful!

  12. Oh I have the same trouble! SO many things I want to blog about and no time. I'm starting to think that things just aren't going to slow down anytime soon. Maybe January??

    Hope you find a few minutes of peace for yourself.

  13. Neat ideal for the planter. Flowers are beautiful!

  14. I love that idea. Great re-use of something no longer used. Pretty flowers also.


  15. There are several drills around here like that...they are just too darn cute..those petunias are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing those pics! I hope that it slows down a bit for you...have a blessed week.

  16. So pretty! I love the vintage farm aspect!

  17. Picture is so cute, flowers are beautiful.

  18. That is such a great idea and your flowers are just beautiful.
    Hope that things slow down for you, so you can get some rest.
    Thanks for sharing.
    God bless.

  19. How creative!! I love seeing what people use as flower planters!!

  20. What a great idea!! Beautiful flowers!

  21. I agree with everyone else...what a great idea! ☺

  22. I agree with everyone else...what a great idea! ☺

  23. How Adorable your planter is...and those vibrant and beautiful! I LOVE catching glimpses of others lives through their pictures! Thanks so much for sharing!!! Praying your life slows down a little and that you can find time to enjoy the things you LOVE most! Sweet blessings!

  24. LOVE the drillpress planter!! The flowers are beautiful.

  25. Very cute-and what's your secret to having such vigorous flowers, everything's fading around here!

  26. I love things like this for planting flowers in! Old wheelbarrows, rusty water troughs. Love it!

  27. I bet that goes fast! I made a flourless chocolate cake 2 days ago...should serve 8...HA! It was gone in less than 3 hours...someone is taking more than their fair share!!!


Thank you so much for visiting me today! I enjoy having
guests around the farm! Come again!