Friday, July 24, 2009


I hope everyone is having a fantastic summer! :)

I wanted to show you our sunflowers before they start to bloom. It is starting to really grow now. We have had a not too hot of a summer, alot of below average in heat days. It says in the Farmer's Almanac that we would have a cooler than average summer and another doozey of a winter! WHAT? I can't even let myself start to think about winter!

I know everyone likes to see our fields of acres and acres of big blooming sunflowers but I thought I would show you what they look like now. Don't worry....when they start to bloom I will be sure to post a picture! :) Our flax has just begun to bloom so I will have to share a picture with you soon. The blooming crops are always so pretty.

My days have been filled with gardening, baking, cooking and good times at the lake with our family--until our boat died the other day and we had to have a jetski pull us to shore! :) The parts are on their way here though so we will be able to hit the water soon!

I baked these breadsticks the other day. They are supposed to be like Pizza Hut breadsticks. I have not tasted their breadsticks so I really do not know if they taste like them or not! I do know that my kids loved them. Would anyone like the recipe?? Let me know folks! Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Well, they look fantastic, sugar! I've never had Pizza Hut sticks either but nothing could compare to homemade breadsticks, honey!

  2. Wow, that is a lot of sunflowers! Can't wait to see them in full bloom. I'm assuming you sell them? A harsh winter? Oh dear! We had a harsh winter last year. We are having an unseasonably dry, hot summer.
    I love your header by the way! It's really cute!

  3. WOW!!~ That is a very cool picture--I will LOVE to see them in bloom. What do you do with them when it is time to harvest? Incredible!! Have a great weekend, and I would like to recipe. Julie

  4. I can't wait to see that field of sunflowers in bloom!

    The breadsticks looks wonderful and I'm soooo hungry right now!

  5. The breadsticks look great. The farm looks beautiful!! Hope the winter isn't that bad, but we still have a few more months!!

  6. What a blessing to see that field in bloom!

    The bread sticks look yummy, would you share the recipe? Pizza huts stuff it far to greasy and we try to avoid eating out at all costs.

    Blessings for your weekend!

  7. I love sunflower fields! Last summer one of the local farmers surprised the whole town by planting sunflowers in one of the fields that is just off the main road into town. That field normally has corn or beans in it, so we were all pleasantly surprised to see the sunflowers. It was beautiful!
    The breadsticks look delicious, I'd love to have the recipe!

  8. Oh, I eagerly await the sunflowers in bloom, but very nice to see how well they are doing!

    Teh breadsticks looks soooo good! Yes, please, I'd like the recipe when you have time. :)

    Have a great weekend!

  9. I loved the photo of the sunflowers and can't wait to see them in bloom.
    Mine are about to bloom and I am so excited that they even came up.
    I would like the recipe please.
    Do you have a recipe for Salsa?
    God bless.

  10. I would love to have the breadsticks recipe...looks delicious!

    We've had a very mild summer, too, along with quite a bit of rain. My garden hasn't done very well this season.

    Have a great weekend!

  11. Oh, yeah, must have the recipe. By the way, your calves look like Beefmaster, but I am betting they are Santa Gertudis. Am I right?

  12. Yes, Please, the recipe. We love Pizza Hut's bread sticks and often will make a meal of their salad bar and a family order of bread sticks.(that leaves a few to bring home for Farmer-R's lunch).

    Cooler summer-- here too. Only 2 days so far this summer, where we've been 90°F or above. Unheard of!! This is the "Great American Desert", where it's suppose to be hot & humid all summer!

    Don't want to think about a long cold, nasty winter either. But I am enjoying these highs in the 80s now. :o)

  13. Never mind, I think they're Limousin cattle, right?

  14. Oh Course we would like the recipe:)
    I tried a similar recipe one other time but yours look so much better.
    Can't wait to see the sunflowers in bloom!

  15. Me too!! I cannot wait to see your sunflowers! And yes, I would love the recipe. Your picture looks exactly like PH breadsticks. I worked at PH as a teenager and college student. They are great!!

  16. OH YES! I want the recipe! They look delish!

  17. Love the new header!!!! Can't wait to see the sunflowers in full bloom!! Well the breadsticks sure look like Pizza Huts...Yes please post the recipe!!

  18. Looking forward to seeing the field of sunflowers. A farmer over here planted a field years ago, and they were so fun to see. Now he's back to planting potatoes, and they aren't as fun :D

    Bring on the breadstick recipe!

  19. Love your blog site. Yes I'd like the bread stick recipe too! I've tried several of your recipes and love them! thanks

  20. I would LOVE the recipe...they LOOK just like the Pizza Hut ones :D I'm pretty sure they'll taste even better though :D I'm so glad you posted pictures of your farm...I always love watching the process!!! Sorry about your boat, but oh so glad you had a way to tow it out! Praying it gets fixed soon, and you get time to squeeze in a few more trips to the lake before Fall arrives! Have a GREAT Sunday! Sweet blessings!

  21. P-L-E-A-S-E post the breadsticks recipe! They look awesome!

    We had to have our boat worked on after vacation...bummer but we're up and going again too!!

  22. Well, I can tell you that your bread sticks look exactly like Pizza Hut breadsticks! They look good... please do share the recipe. I have never seen sunflowers that aren't blooming... I guess I just didn't know what the plant looked like. Thanks for sharing! I am glad you and your family are getting in some quality time together at the lake before harvest starts! Hugs to you!

  23. You've never had pizza hut bread sticks? They are yummy! I would sure like to see your recipe. :)

    Can't wait to see the sunflowers in full bloom!

  24. I'd like the recipe too. I've tried many of your recipes and my farmer and little farmer boys loved them

  25. I would love to have the recipe please my email is thank you Heather

  26. That is so neat that you have a field of sunflowers! I'd love to do that one day. Just to take pictures if nothing else!

    Those breadsticks look yummy and I have had Pizza Hut breadsticks and they look exactly like them! Yumm.

  27. I'm not thinking about winter either. It'll get here soon enough. That sunflower field is gonna be beautiful! I can't wait.
    We just got back from a week at the lake. And we have had our boat problems too. And was towed by a jet boat.
    And yes, I'd like the bread stick recipe.

  28. Would love to have the breadstick recipe. They look better than Pizza Huts, and we love them. Can't wait to see the sunflowers in bloom! Blessings...nel

  29. I would love the recipe for the breadsticks!

    And I would love to see pictures of the flax!!!! My dad used to raise flax when I was a kid and nobody around here raises it anymore.

  30. Love seeing all of the crops growing. I would love to have the breadstick recipe.

  31. Love the picture of the field, and the bread sticks just made me hungry. If I knew you personally I would be as big as a barn :)
    Kim in OK

  32. Hi! We're back from our 3-week trip and it was wonderful!

    I'm catching up on all your posts I missed while we were gone. And, YES, I would love the recipe for your breadsticks...they look delicious!

    Take care. Lovely crops you have there.

  33. those breadsticks look yummy..i started making pizza dough the other night, only to get a call from my son that 4 more were coming for dinner..since there would not be enough, i turned it into breadsticks, i put olive oil, parm, and herbs on top before baking and made spaghetti and meatballs instead......sunflowers? what am i doing wrong...sunflowers and zucchini...whats wrong with me, the two things that should grow on their own! My tomatoes and beans did well this year though!

  34. What's your weather like in the summer--it's been about 111 here! I wonder if we could grow sunflowers in the summer--I keep thinking I'd like to try and grow stuff in the summer but I wonder if everything would just die--maybe I'd have to plant with shade in the pics! Are the pictures near your house? Or do you have to walk to your farm--I think it would be just amazing to wake up and look out your window and see acres and acres of sunflowers :) May God bless your crop so abundantly!


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