Friday, June 19, 2009

The tractors are resting................

The tractors are finally at rest! We are done seeding our crop.

It was a long haul....many long days and nights.....

but we made it! AGAIN! :)

Looks like it was just in time! God has decided to bless us with some rain....

A lot of our crop is up now so it could use a nice soft rain to water it!

The clouds are really building up near our shop.

I like this cloud...look how tall and puffy it is getting!

If you look really hard you can see part of my

house through the trees.

So, what now you ask?

Well, we had our crop sprayed by the local

agronomy business so we are busy working

on 4-H projects, showing animals & getting

ready to head to the lake! WHEW! I am

tired already! I hope you all have a

wonderful weekend. Drop me a note

I love hearing from you all! I hope to

visit you later on tonight! :)



  1. I hope you have a great crop this year, sugar, and that you get the needed rain and not TOOOOOO much. Have a great time at the lake, chick.

  2. I hope everything goes well, I know it has to be a big relief when everything's finally IN the ground and that rain is headed there. Hope it's not a hard rain....enjoy your time at the lake!

  3. Ooh, heading to the lake..what fun! And, obviously, well-deserved by all. Enjoy!

  4. wow! You're one busy, busy family!

    Hope your weekend is filled with GREAT things ~

  5. We were always happy when the crops were in but now it is almost time for about you? Dianntha

  6. We finally finished out planting too...not nearly as much as you though. Enjoy your time at the lake!!!

  7. I will say a prayer that God will bless your crop with great abundance. Glad you got it in before the rain came. Enjoy your time at the lake, you all deserve a nice restful and relaxing time. xxoo

  8. Job well done! It's a good feeling when you finally get a BIG job completed.
    I hope you got that tractor out of the field before the rain.
    Have fun at the lake!!!

  9. Such a relief to get the crops in the ground! Just in time too...what a perfect time for the rain.

    We spray all of our own so that has been taking alot of our time lately and now putting up the hay. It rains every few days so that has been a little trying this year.

    We sooooo need to get going on 4-H projects too. Just the dog for animals but she hasn't even started on her building exhibits yet.

    Have a good weekend!

  10. What a great feeling to have planting done... & see a little rain to bless it! So glad you get a little down time for some family connecting now...hope you have the BEST time at the lake! Sweet blessings to you and yours....

    P.S. What do the kids show for 4-H??? And...I LOVE your cloud pictures...I am always totally fascinated by looking at clouds...yet another amazing creation of God!

  11. Glad to hear your crops are planted and that it rained. It has not rained here for the last 25 days and we really need some rain. My corn is drying up and I have had no luck on my squash.

    Hugs :)


  12. I just love reading your blog, as a city girl it just makes me feel like a visit to the farm. I also love your recipes - thanks for sharing and making my mouth water. I will pray that you have a good crop season this year. Judi

  13. Yay! Glad you're finally done!! Us it's about time to harvest wheat here.

  14. Good luck with that rain. I hope you get just the right amount! Very cute blog. I love to read about your farm, it is so fun!
    Good luck with 4-h, we are getting ready too!

  15. Whew! What a lot of work. Looks like the rain is coming at a perfect time. How long do you go to the lake? Do you have a lakehouse? Sounds like a perfect way to relax as a family after all the farm projects are done!

  16. I'm sooo glad you guys finally got it done!! That's fantastic, and the blessing of rain!!! So are you showing for 4H already?? Our county shows in August.. What do your kids show?

  17. I hope that you have some R&R at the lake.
    Glad to hear the crops are in for you.
    I love the photos of the clouds
    we have had alot of those dark ones here this past week.
    Now it is so hot and muggy.
    God bless

  18. Glad to hear everything is in the ground- I pray for a wonderful harvest for your family!
    Sounds like no one is slowing down around your place, though- what kind of animals do you all show?

  19. Looks like you are busy. But that's the life of farmlife, that's for sure. :) I can't wait for Kellon to do 4-H! He can start this fall in the beginning program. We are very excited! :)

  20. So glad you got it all done and the tractors are resting . . . now you need a little but doesn't sound like you are gonna get it!

    Those clouds are fantastic - we got those too but the heat has hit us now so lots of hot and humid for a while!


  21. I agree with you, I love visiting farming blogs and seeing how farming is done in other parts of the country!

    Thanks for stopping by!


  22. your pictures are gorgeous.. I love farm life.. my grandparents have a farm and I still like to go there even though they are gone on to heaven.
    County living is the best!


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guests around the farm! Come again!