Friday, December 17, 2010

Have A Holly Jolly Christmas Recipe Swap #5

Hello everyone! :) So glad that you stopped by. Welcome to Have a Holly Jolly Christmas Recipe Swap Friday! The entries started out slow but as the weeks are getting closer to Christmas the participation is getting even less. I know people are busy...but I was hoping to have a few more people participate. Thank you though to those of you that are participating! :) If it helps you can link to a recipe you posted previously on your blog. Looking at my stats I see that I have hundreds of people stopping by in one I guess I am hoping a few more people will play along.

Today I am posting my yummy CHOCOLATE CARAMELS! YUM!!!! Two things about making these caramels....#1 make sure you have a candy thermometer that actually works right and #2 be prepared to be addicted to these babies....cuz they are tastey!!! You might want to make them when you are alone as you might not get them wrapped before your family starts eating them! ;)

Farmchick's Chocolate Caramels

2 cups white sugar
1 1/2 cups white Karo syrup
1 cup butter
1 cup cream

Mix ingredients. Bring to a boil. Boil for 2 minutes. Then slowly add
1 cup cream and 3 squares unsweetened baking chocolate
Boil until mixture reaches 260 degrees - hard boil stage.

When it reaches 260 degrees add one teaspoon vanilla one cup nuts (optional)

Pour into medium sized, buttered pan.

Cool, cut and wrap!!!

There you have it....not hard at all...just time consuming but your family and friends will thank you in the end and it will be well worth your effort. :)

Please leave me a message, join my swap, or if you did both that would be perfect! Scroll down to find out how to play really is quite easy. I know some people think it is waaayyyy to complicated. It really isn't....try it!

How to join my swap. :)

1) If you'd like to join in on the fun, simply write out your post on your blog as usual and leave the link here . *Link directly to your recipe. Next scroll down and click on the "Add your Link" button. You will be then be prompted to enter the URL {please make sure to link directly to your post}, name of your recipe, and Email and then select a thumbnail to upload. {your email will not be posted}

2) Please remember to always link back to Fresh from the Farm so that we see all the delicious recipes. It's also a way to find great new blogs and make wonderful new friends.

3) It's all about sharing so please do spread the word and please grab my Farmchick's I'll Be Home for Christms Recipe Swap Saturday button, {located on the top right column} and or Tweet/Facebook this swap to your friends and followers.

*How do I link directly to my recipe? After you have posted your recipe simply go to your blog, click that particular blog title. When this post comes up just highlight the addresss in the url box, copy and paste

If you have ANY questions please feel ask me. You can contact me either by leaving a comment on this post or shooting me an email. Sometimes doing new things like this on your computer can be a bit confusing so don't be shy...just ask! :)

Now, scroll down to the bottom of this post to add your recipe. Just click "add your link and it will tell you what to do! Thank you so much to those who have and are participating. Also, I thank you to those of you that have stopped by and clicked on the links. According to the stats I have had lots and lots of visitors.

Happy weekend everyone. It's gonna be another busy weekend here on our farm. :)


  1. OH, they look yummy!
    thanks for sharing

  2. Thank you so much for posting this one. My MIL used to make these for Christmas and I just loved them.
    After she died I never did get the recipe.
    Have a Merry Christmas.

  3. Could you put see salt on these gems. It seems to be all the rage when it comes to caramels. These look delicious without the salt.

  4. Your caramels look great! I tried a new microwave toffee last night... not so great:@(

  5. All the recipies look so yummy. I added a recipe, but it is from last year. I haven't gotten around to posting any new recipies this year.

  6. I THOUGHT I was candy/cookied out, but now I'm sitting here thinking I need to make these caramels!

  7. These look delicious! I love caramel. Thanks for sharing!!


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guests around the farm! Come again!