Sunday, November 7, 2010

Farm Photo

Coming home from combining sunflowers last night....this is what we saw!

Beautiful aren't they??

Happy Sunday.


  1. How cool! I haven't seen a moose yet. Hubby saw one once and there have been a couple sightings by friends who live a few miles away. My daughter LOVES moose so I always have to show her the pics people post of them. I'm not sure why she's so fascinated with them... she's got a stuffed moose that she picked out from the gift store at the top of Rocky Mountain National Park and it's her most favorite possession.

  2. Mooses can be beautiful, until a friend hit one this spring and broke her back, she never wants to see one again!

  3. A really Fabulous photo!

    Right place at the right time.

    Is that photo right out of the camera?

  4. Awesome!
    How neat to live somewhere that these creatures live nearby.

  5. I've seen moose but never in my yard/field! The best we get is white tail all around us and they never cease to amaze me. We watched a pair of twins grow up a couple summers ago--right down the road under a shrub. They were out everyday. We think their mother may have left them there and never come back for them (accident or worse). Then winter came and they disappeared, never to be seen again. Well, not as babies anyway!
    Beautiful picture, you lucky gal!

  6. Wow, what a beautiful area you live in. It must be something to have these wonderful creatures right in your own backyard.

  7. How wonderful ! Great photo ! I just love nature ! Have a great day!

  8. Yes, they are!
    And that's not something we see around here.
    How cool to have them in the back yard!

  9. That is such an awesome picture! I have not seen that many moose together ever! :D

  10. What a great shot you got.
    I have never seen any Moose in this area at all.
    The deer are sure on the move tho.
    Have a great day.

  11. What a great picture. How fun to have moose in your field! We don't have those here so it is fun to see.

  12. Beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing.
    Kim in OK

  13. Neato-o! That is so cool. We will get a deer or maybe a cow in our yard. Not much fun.


  14. Fantastic photo! What a sight!
    Your blog is lovely!

  15. What a wonderful photo. I could sit there for hours watching a sight like that.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and sending your wonderful comments. Stop by anytime, friend.

  16. and to think I complain about the white-tail deer in my neighborhoood. lol

  17. How beautiful are they!
    So natural!
    Thanks for sharing!

  18. Hey Farmchick, I was so excited that you stopped by my blog and definitely wanted to visit yours. I was enjoying looking through --- fantastic recipes - I'll be trying some of those -----and I was trying to figure out where you might live. I had already decided you are waaaaaaaay further north than I am :) And then I saw this!! I called my husband in to look too. We've never seen moose, ever! ever! Great picture! Your part of the world is beautiful.

    Thanks for stopping by. Hope you will come again. I've been slacking on the posting lately. Just too busy with other things just now, but I'm gonna get back to it soon.

    Gwynie Pie
    @ The Pink Tractor


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