Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Harvesting Flax

We are busy harvesting flax here on our farm. Thankfully, we are almost done!!! We will then only have soybeans and sunflowers left to harvest. This fall sure is moving along quickly.

Combining flax.

Dumping the flax from the combine into the truck.

One of our flax fields in full bloom.

Close-up of our beautiful flax.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures of our flax harvest. If you would like more information on flax please go to this post I wrote last year called Flax....A sea of blue.

Thanks for stopping by and as always....please leave me a comment so I know you were here and I can return the visit. Have a wonderful fall day! :)


  1. Interesting post. I've never seen a Flax field before. Thanks.

  2. Thanks for the pictures I have never seen Flax fields before either that I know of.
    Hope that the rest of harvesting goes well for you.
    It frosted here last night. I had to scrape my windshield. Blah!!!!

  3. I to have never seen Flax! We don't grow it in my area!
    So thanks for sharing, it is beautiful in bloom and I will always enjoy pictures of farming, hard days work!
    have a beautiful fall day!

  4. I had never seen a flax field before either until I read your post that your first wrote about it! Blessings on a wonderful harvest for you!


  5. Great photos, thanks for sharing. Look forward to seeing sunflower photos ~Blessings~

  6. What a beautiful field! I just put flax in our pancakes this morning.

  7. We'll be done with harvest by the weekend (God willing!). Should finished corn tomorrow. 10 more acres of beans that were green when he finished the rest of them.

    I'd like to have some nice warmish Fall days with my Farmer to help me around the place.

  8. The flax field is beautiful! I remember the post from last year about it. I remember last years sunflower post too!
    You live in a beautiful world!

  9. It is so beautiful, as are the sunflowers. You are surrounded by beauty---lucky gal!

  10. I do enjoy your posts about farming. Farming here is on a much smaller scale.

  11. Love your pics. The flower of the flax plant is so pretty! Enjoyed as always!
    until next time... nel

  12. I also have never seen a flax field... the sea of blue is beautiful!

  13. When I was growing up, there were flax fields around our area and we also grew flax but nobody around here does anymore. I miss the beutiful fields of flax!
    Happy Harvesting! Hope you have a safe one!

  14. Funny, I thought you lived in Washington State, except I don't think they grow those things there lol. you spin the flax? Inquiring minds want to know! Karen

  15. I had no idea that flax bloomed so pretty. I've never seen it growing before.

  16. Love your blog, another follower here to add to your list, great photos . Have a wonderful weekend.

  17. I love meeting other farm wives! I can't believe how different farming is where you are. The East Coast has smaller farms. We'd have to buy adjacent farms just to park that big old combine of yours!lol I'm going over to follow as soon as I finish this comment. Please come follow me so us farm gals can stick together.
    BTW- That flax is beautiful. I'm a sucker for blue flowers!

    Have a super weekend!

  18. Well thank you for coming by today.
    I have been here but I think I haven't left a comment. I love all of your pictures and I love that you grow sunflowers for real!
    You are a real farm girl while I am just a play one. :)
    Have a great day!

  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I was headed to your flax post when I got side tracked...the joys of being pregnant : )

    We always buy flax seed is that the same think y'all are harvesting?

    I can't wait to see the rest of the things y'all harvest. SO fun!! : )

    Have a great weekend.

  20. Thanks for visiting my blog, us farm and ranch girls have to stick together! Beautiful pics as always and thanks for sharing about your life and the farm.

  21. Flax in October ! Ours has all been harvested three months ago. Isn't it a wonderful world ?

  22. I always love when the flax blooms at the farms around here. Along with canola it makes for the prettiest views.

  23. I think there should be a paint color, Flax Blue. I think it would be one of my favorites.

  24. Daughter and I just had a school field trip to a historic farm where we learned about flax harvest - but your pics are way more PRETTY! Love all we see n learn here. Thanks for sharing. Blessings to you all for a great harvest!


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